地图 > 祝福语 > 范文大全 > 八年级英语上册课件 >






一、 Analysis of the text教材分析

1、 Teaching教学内容:Talk about personal traits and how to compare people谈论人物的个性特征及如何对比人物

2、Statue of the Text教材的地位和作用


3、Teaching goals教学目标:

1)Language goal知识目标让学生掌握本课的词汇运用。

2)Ability goal能力目标让学生学会用英语与他人谈论人的个性特征和使用形容词进行比较的话题,以及进一步提高学生的英语语言表达能力;

3)Emotional goal情感目标激发学生的学习兴趣,体验英语语言的美,体验知识间的相互联系。让学生充满自信,体验成就感和合作精神。而且通过学习比较级使学生懂得在学习和生活中应相互理解、相互帮助、相互学习。

4、 Important points重点:掌握形容词比较级的变化规则及句型

5、Difficult points难点:使用比较级自如表达

二、Teaching Methods教学方法:




三、Learning Methods学法:


四、Teaching Steps教学程序:

Activity I活动一:Leading in激趣导入


Activity II活动二:Warming up单词热身练习


Activity III活动三:Comparing句子热身练习


Activity IV活动四:A guessing game“猜谜”游戏

——Who is he/she?他/她是谁?


Activity V活动五:Competition小组竞赛


Activity VI活动六:Acting知识的拓展


此项活动后的小结也是本课的总结:“From this story we know,when we are better than others.Don’t laugh at others.When someone is better than you,don’t be frustrated.No one is perfect。 We should learn from each other and help each other.”这个故事告诉我们一个道理:当你比别人强的时候,不要嘲笑别人;当你在某些方面不如别人时,不要自卑。没有人是完美的。在生活和学习中,我们应该相互帮助、相互学习。

Activity VII活动七:Exercises巩固训练





探究性作业:写作文一篇,标题是“My Friend and I”。


六、Blackboard Design板书设计:

They are twins.

They are both lovely.

Xiaoya is calmer than Li Wen.

Li Wen is more outgoing than Xiaoya

A is形容词比较级than B


1、比较的对象不一致。如:My hair is longer than you.



Section A


consequence, jeans, let in, organize, bike, you’ll= you will


1. I think I’m going to stay at home. If you do, you’ll be sorry.

2. When is a good time to have the party?

3. I think I’ll ride my bike. If you do, you’ll be late.

4. I’m going to the school party.


1.If 引导的条件状语从句;


3.句型I think I’ll ride my bike. If you do, you’ll be late.

I think I’m going to stay at home. If you do, you’ll be sorry.

I’m going to the dance with Karen and Ann.

If you do, you’ll have a great time.

---Are you going to the party?

---Yes, I am. I’m going to wear my new jeans.

You should wear your cool pants.


1. 学会讨论在某些条件下可能会产生的影响。即If you do, you’ll …等;

2. 注意条件状语从句中主句的从句的时态;

3. 了解参加晚会的一些基本常识;

4. 根据上下文培养理解能力和基本的逻辑思维能力。


I 请本地教师组织教学,学生小组活动


(教师)1. Read the instructions.

(教师)2.Point out the four pictures and ask students to tell what they see..

(教师)3. Ask two students to read the conversation in the speech bubbles in the first picture.

(教师)4. Say, Now read the statements and responses in the box. Match the statements with the responses you think make sense.

(教师)5. Answer any questions students may have about vocabulary.

(学生)6. Students match the statements and responses.


(教师)1.Say, You will hear four conversations. Each conversation will give you the matching responses for one of the four sentences..

(教师)2. Play the recording. Say, Check your answers to activity 1a.

(教师)3.Talk about the answers together.


1. d 2.a 3.b 4.c


A: I think I’m going to wear jeans to the party.

B: If you do, the teachers won’t let you in.

A: I think I’m going to stay at home.

C: If you do, you’ll be sorry.

A: I think I’m going to take the bus to the party.

B: If you do, you’ll be late.

D: I think I’m going to go to the dance with Karen and Ann.

C: If you do, you’ll have a great time.


(教师)1. Read the instructions.

(教师)2. Ask two students to read the example in the sample dialogue in activity 1c. Say, You will work with your partner. Make a conversation using the things that are happening in the picture.

(教师)3.Ask several pairs of students to say their conversations to the class.

II 放完第二段视频后,

① 请本地教师组织教学,学生小组活动


(教师)1.Read the instructions with the students.

(教师)2 Students complete the task.

(教师)3. Check the answers.

(答案)a. 3 b. 1 c.2 d.6 e.4 f.5


Andrea: Hi, Mark. I want to have a class party. Will you help me organize it?

Mark: Sure, Andrea. I can help you. So when shall we have the party?

Andrea: Let’s have it today after class.

Mark: No, today is too early. If we have it today, half the class won’t come.

Andrea: Okay, let’s have it tomorrow.

Mark: Hmm…There’s a test tomorrow. Students will leave early to study for their tests. Let’s have it on the weekend.

Andrea: Okay, let’s have it on Saturday afternoon. We can all meet and watch a video.

Mark: No, I don’t think we should watch a video. Some students will be bored. Let’s play party games.

Andrea: Okay, good idea. Can you organize the party games?

Mark: Sure, I can do that. And can you make some food for us?

Andrea: Yes, that’s no problem.


(教师)1. Read the instructions.

(教师)2. Play the recording again.

(学生)3. Students complete the task.

(教师)4. Check the answers.


Half the class won’t come.

Students will leave early to study for their tests.

Some students will be bored.

Mark is going to organize the party games.

Andrea is going to make some food.


(教师)1.Draw attention to the sample dialogue.

(学生)2. Students complete the task.

(教师)3. Check the answers.

② 全班讨论

Ask students to work in small groups. Ask each group to write down as many sentences like those in the Grammar Focus as they can. See which group can think of the most sentences. Count how many each group has. Have the groups read their sentences to the class. Write original sentences on the board and discuss the sentences with the class.

III 放完第三段视频后,

请本地教师组织教学,学生小组活动(教师)1. Read the instructions. Point out the notice from the principal. Then point to the dialogue. Say, First read the notice from the principal. It is about a school party. Then fill in the blanks in the dialogue.

(教师)2.Ask different students to read one line each of the dialogue to the class..

(教师)3.Read the dialogue to the class saying blank each time you come to a blank line.

(教师)4. Then say, Now read the notice again and fill in the blanks.

(教师)5. As students work, move around the room offering help where needed.


1. the school party

2. I’m going to

3. The teachers won’t let you in.

3b(教师)1. Read the instructions.

(教师)2. Point out the words in the box. Say, You will be using the words in this box and the notice from the principal to make conversations.

(教师)3. Ask two students to read the example in sample dialogue in activity 3b. Say, In your conversations, tell what will happen if the student does what he or she is planning to do. Ask students to give some possible ways to complete the last sentence in the example.

(教师)4. Say, Now have a conversation abut the rules with your partner.

(教师)5. Ask one or two pairs of students to say their conversations to the class.


(教师)1. Read the instructions.

(教师)2.Ask two students to read the sample dialogue..

(教师)3. Ask another one or two students to suggest other charity events. Pick a topic of current interest in the news.

(教师)4. Ask students to complete the work in pairs.

.(教师)5. Ask a few students to share sample conversations.




教案一:Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?

1. 教学目标:

a. 学习并掌握目标词汇和短语,如vacation, activity, tourist, guide等。

b. 学习并掌握目标句型,如Where did you go? I went to…

c. 学会用过去式叙述过去发生的事情。

2. 教学准备:

a. PPT展示相关图片和单词。

b. 学生练习册。

c. 录音机和磁带。

3. 教学步骤:

a. 导入:利用PPT呈现一些度假图片,引导学生回忆并复习相关单词和短语。

b. 新词学习:教师通过幻灯片和板书介绍并讲解新单词和短语,并提供相关例句。

c. 句型学习:教师通过示范并操练句型“Where did you go? I went to…”,确保学生能正确运用。

d. 练习册:学生完成练习册相关练习,教师巡视并纠正错误。

e. 听力练习:播放录音,让学生根据听到的内容选择正确的答案。

f. 拓展活动:以小组为单位,要求学生同伴之间互相询问对方的假期并作简短介绍。

g. 总结与巩固:教师再次复习已学内容,巩固学生的知识。

h. 作业布置:布置相关作业,如复习单词和短语,完成练习册等。

4. 教学评价:

a. 能正确运用目标词汇和短语进行交流。

b. 能够运用句型“Where did you go? I went to…”进行简单的对话。

c. 能听懂简短的听力材料并选择正确的答案。

教案二:Unit 2 How often do you exercise?

1. 教学目标:

a. 学习并掌握目标词汇和短语,如exercise, often, sometimes, rarely等。

b. 学习并掌握目标句型,如How often do you…? I … every…

c. 学会用正确的频率副词表达自己的活动频率。

2. 教学准备:

a. PPT展示相关图片和单词。

b. 学生练习册。

c. 实物道具,如计数器,用来演示不同活动的频率。

3. 教学步骤:

a. 导入:利用PPT呈现一些运动图片,引导学生回忆并复习相关单词和短语。

b. 新词学习:教师通过幻灯片和板书介绍并讲解新单词和短语,并提供相关例句。

c. 句型学习:教师通过示范并操练句型“How often do you…? I … every…”,确保学生能正确运用。

d. 练习册:学生完成练习册相关练习,教师巡视并纠正错误。

e. 实物演示:教师使用计数器和实物道具演示不同活动的频率,引导学生用正确的频率副词表达自己的活动频率。

f. 拓展活动:以小组为单位,学生互相交流关于自己日常活动频率的话题,并写下来。

g. 总结与巩固:教师再次复习已学内容,巩固学生的知识。

h. 作业布置:布置相关作业,如复习单词和短语,完成练习册等。

4. 教学评价:

a. 能正确运用目标词汇和短语进行交流。

b. 能够运用句型“How often do you…? I … every…”表达自己的活动频率。

c. 能根据实物演示理解不同活动的频率,进行表达。



A bold attempt is half success.(勇敢的尝试是成功的一半)




milk, junk food, health, unhealthy, habit, exercise, most, result, try, different maybe, although,


junk food, as for, on weekends, no students, try to do, look after, kind of


1.But my mother wants me to drink it.

2.She says it’s good for my health

3.I try to eat a lot of vegetables.

4.Is her lifestyle the same as yours or different?









区分How many /how much, health/healthy, different/difference


Step1. Free talk

同桌练习How often do you ……?及其回答

Step 2.1.Talk about the pictures. Practice the key words.完成1a

2. Pairwork Ask the Ss to show their works and perform it.

Step 3.Listening 完成2a,2b Check the answers

Step 4.合作探究

课文解析. 3a 3b

1.Warm up and Lead in: Say something about your eating habits

Talk about their eating habits.

2. Play the recorder. Listen and read 3a

3. Answer the questions .Try to answer these questions

4. Ask the Ss to sum up the language points Sum up the language points Textbook

5. Read and finish 3b Complete the article


1.pretty:adj. 漂亮的,美丽的 adv.很,相当

2. when:conj. 当…的时候. 引导时间状语从句

3. eating habits饮食习惯

4. try to do sth.尽力做/努力做…. Try doing sth.试图做….

5. look after 照顾=take care of ,关注,注重

6. get good grades:得到好的成绩

7. help sb. (to) do sth.

8. the same as和…相同

9. different (adj.)- (n.)difference good –better-best

10. although虽然,尽管,引导让步状语从句,与though同义,但不能与but 同

时出现在一个复合句中,可与still, yet同用。

11. maybe:或许,大概,常放在句首

Step 5. 梳理归纳 Section B 词组归纳:

1) be good for 对什么有益 2) be bad for对什么有害

3) want to do sth 想做某事 4) want sb to do sth想某人做某事

4) 5)try to do sth 尽量做某事

6) come home from school放学回家

7) of course = certainly = sure当然

8)get good grades取得好成绩

9) some advice

10)hardly=not nearly / almost not几乎不

11) keep/be in good health保持健康

12)pretty healthy 相当健康

13) my eating habits 我的饮食习惯

14)drink milk 喝牛奶

15)so you see 正如你所看到的

16)look after 照顾

17)my healthy lifestyle 我的健康饮食习惯

18)help sb.do sth 帮助某人做某事

19)the same as 和….一样

20)be different from 与….不同

Step 6.达标检测 根据汉语意思完成下列各句,每空一词。

1. 做眼保健操对你的眼睛有好处。

Doing eye exercises _______ _______ _______ your eyes.

2. 我们尽量准时到达那里。

We _______ _______ get there on time.

3. 散步有助于保持健康。

Walking helps to keep ______ _______ ________.

4. —你多长时间看一次电影? —我一个星期看两次。

— ______ _______ do you watch TV?

— I watch TV twice a week.

5. 每天运动对我们的健康有好处。

It’s good for our health ______ _______ every day.

Step7. 完成综训section B

Step8. 课后反思





































第二册第六单元第一节课,本单元围绕Where’s the … ? It’s next to the … ?这个题材开展多种教学活动,它与上一单元联系紧密,是它的延续。本节课是本单元的重点。通过学习的Where’s the … ? It’s next to the … ?进一步加深对询问/指点方向的语法现象的理解和运用。同时通过Where’s the … ? It’s next to the … ?在陈述句与疑问句中的操练,进一步提高学生听、说、读、写综合素质能力。


(1)学习、掌握Where’s the … ? It’s next to the … ?

(2)学习单词bank, theatre … 。





重点:学习询问/指点方向Where’s the … ? It’s next to the … ?

难点:句型Where’s the … ? It’s next to the … ?在实际生活中的应用。









为了激发学生的学习兴趣,引起注意,拉近师生距离,首先告诉学生这节课我将带他们去一个有趣的地方,并请他们依据我的提示猜测要去哪里?当学生猜出去农场时, 我们便“上车”, 一路欢歌去农场。随着“嘎”的刹车声,电脑打出农场全景, 给学生一种身临其境的感觉,导入正课。

本课利用多媒体教学手段展示了一幅幅色彩逼真、形象生动的画面,配有汽车声、动物的叫声,栩栩如生。以学生在街区问路为主线,通过询问/指点方向的句型Where’s the … ? It’s next to the … ?在一系列既关联又相对独立的语境中详细讲解,反复演练,使学生全面掌握。其中多媒体展示的动画部分更具特色,充分地调动了学生的积极性,吸引了全体学生的注意力,达到了教育教学目的,培养学生思想素质、情感素质和英语语言素质。

为了调动学生的积极性,利用Work in threes,in pairs,in row,in group,及Boys ask,Girls answer等多种不同方式操练巩固。使学生处于积极思维的状态之中,全方位、多角度培养学生运用英语的能力。

本课的又一次高潮是将游戏与练习有机结合,融为一体。设计15个街区模型,让一对对学生上街 问路,并配有本课的重点Where’s the … ? It’s next to the … ?使学生在玩中进一步体会到句型Where’s the … ?It’s next to the … ?在实际生活中的运用。学生通过转轮,边做游戏边做练习,寓教于乐,极大地激发学生学习兴趣,同时巩固了学生所学的知识。


Language points:

1. Look at the picture.

look at 看 look through 查看 look up 向上看 look out 向外看 look over复习

2.the post office.

合成词:(1)写成一个单词:bookshop. (2) 写成开放式:post office (3) 用连字符连接:pencil-box.

5. excuse me 的用法:

6. Thank you all the same.













Learning action tips: leading in by showing PPT about the students’holiday trip.

Topics:Did you have a good time during the vacation?Yes,Idid. Did you go anywhere interesting with your parents?Can you tell us where you went on vacation?……Review the past tense.

Task 1

Learning action tips: Preview the words on Page2 in the word list. Studentsread the words by phonetic symbols, then underline new words in the text and markthe Chinese meaning. At last finish the task in 1a.





没有人no one






2.anyone与any one的区别

anyone通常指人,侧重于个体,后面不带of;any one既指人,又指物,侧重于整体,后面可接of。情景导入 生成问题

1.T:Didyou have a good time during the vacation?


2.T:Wheredid you go on vacation?


自学互研 生成能力

Task1Let\'sread the new words and the phrases.

1.I can read.(我会读)

anyone,anywhere,wonderful,quite a few,most

2.I can write.(我会写)




(5)buy something special买特殊的东西


(7)study for tests为考试学习

3.I can summarize.(我会总结)

Did you buy anything special?其中anything 是不定代词。





(1)I did somethinginteresting last summer.去年夏天我做了有趣的事情。

(2)Did you go anywherecool on vacation?假期你去凉爽的地方了吗?

(3)在那里我没见到人。 I didn’t see anyone there.

Task2Let\'slisten to the tape and finish 1b,2a,2b.

Task3Let\'smake conversations and interview.

1.I can practice.(我会练)

A:Grace,where did you go on vacation?

B:I went to (1)Central__Park(中央公园).

A:Oh,really?Did you go with anyone?

B:No.No__one(没有人)was here. Everyone wason vacation.

A:Did you buy (3)anything__special(特殊的东西)?

B:No.I bought nothing.


( C )Did you see ______ in the dining room?

A.someoneB.some one

C.anyone D.anyone



do the dishes,sweep the floor,take out the trash.fold your clothes,clean the living room,do chores,have to do sth,like to do(doing)sth,make dinner,make your bed


Could you please clean your room?Yes,sure.

Could you please do the dishes?Sorry,I can’t.I have to do my homework.

Could I please go to the movies?Yes,you can.

Could I please use the computer?No,you can’t.You must do the dishes at first.


本课话题来自学生的生活经历,学生在初一已经学习了许多动词短语,为表达提供了语言基础,此外,学生已初步掌握了用祈使句和Can you…?/Can I…?提出请求和建议,为本课的学习打下了铺垫。







Could you/I please do things?Yes,Sure./ .I/You can.

Sorry,I / you can’t,,I / you have to do…”





1、 Warming up

Enjoy ourselves.Watch cartoon Small Potato’s Sunday.


2、 Learn new words and phrases

What kind of chores can you find in the cartoon?

学生通过在动画片段里找家务活,利用已学的简单词汇如make breakfast等导入新单词的学习。

Look!What is it used for?

看图。通过问学生这些清洁用品的用处学习动词词组do chores,do the dishes,make the bed,take out the trash,fold the clothes,clean the living room.

3、 Memory game.

What is she doing?Do you still remember?


4、 Discuss.

What do you usually do on Sunday?

先通过已学的简单句型,让学生再一次对所学的词汇进行练习。并在讨论后让学生做Pair work来热身。

5、 Listening.1b

Peter’s chores or Mom’s chores?


6、 Make a survey.

Discuss in groups of four.

Draw a smiling face on the chore you like and draw a crying face on the chore you dislike

Then give a report.

通过做调查,复习句型I like … because…以及I don’t like … because…



Chores Like Don’t like

do the dishes

sweep the floor

take out the trash

make your bed

fold your clothes

clean the living room

7、 Pair work

Ask your partner for help


导入目标语言Could you please do things?Yes,Sure.

Sorry,I have to do…



哑剧表演。一位学生利用Could you please do things?委婉地提出请求。另一位学生表演动作。活跃课堂气氛。

9、Pair work

Act out strict father or mother.


学习目标语言如何征求许可做某事。Could I please do things?Yes,Sure.No,you must …

并做Pair work


How to be a better boy and girl?

让学生以小组的形式,采访自己的同学。讨论一次自己的周末计划。要帮助爸爸妈妈做什么家务活。在学习中学生受到爱的教育,学会爱父母,爱家庭,爱劳动。并且复习已学句型I’m going to do…


12、 总结本节课的教学重点。

13、 Homework

Read the words and phrases you learn today.

Make a dialogue between you and your parent about doing the chores.










Learning action tips:Accordingto the actual situation of the students in class, create scene to lead in the new course by the way of teacher and student\'squestion and answer:

—Which one is more hard­working at their lessons? —Lisa is.

And revise the adjectives about describing the appearance and personalityof a person.

Learning action tips: Preview the words on Page17-18 in the word list. Students read the words by phonetic symbols, thenunderline new words in the text and mark the Chinese meaning. At last finish thetask in 1a.


clearly adv.清楚地;清晰地;明白地



friendly adj.友好的

(1)friendly的比较级是more friendly。

(2)be friendly to sb.对某人友好的。


某些名词后加上­ly可构成形容词。eg:month→monthly;mother→motherly;week→weekly;day→daily情景导入 生成问题

1.T:Whatdo you think of your best friend?


2.T:Isshe taller than you?


自学互研 生成能力

Task1 Let\'sread the new words and the phrases.

1.I can read.(我会读)


2.I can write.(我会写)


(1)敲鼓play__the__drums (2)长(短)头发long(short)__hair

(3)更外向more__outgoing (4)和……一样努力work__as__hard__as

(5)起得早get__up__early (6)跑得快run__fast



(9)学到新东西learn__something__new (10)玩得高兴have__fun

3.I can summarize.(我会总结)









(1)long longer (2)short shorter  (3)nice nicer (4)early earlier

(5)big bigger (6)hot hotter (7)thin thinner (8)easy easier

(9)quietly more__quietly(10)beautiful more__beautiful(11)good better

Task2 Let\'slisten to the tape and finish 1b,2a,2b.

Task3 Makeconversations an interview.

1.I can practice.(我会练)


B:No, that\'s Tom. Paul is thinner thanTom.

And he also (2)has__longer__hair(更长的头发)than Tom.


B:Yes, they can sing well.

A:(4)Who__can__sing__better,Paul or Tom?

B:Tom sings better than Paul…



n.winner 获胜者







(1)我们的队赢得了篮球比赛。Our team won the basketball match.

(2)昨天乒乓球比赛我打败了内莉。I beat Nelly at ping­pong yesterday.


Lesson 13

Teaching Objectives:

1. Master the comparative and superlatives of adverbs.

2. the comparative forms of long adjectives.

Language Focus:

fast - faster - the fastest well - better - the best interesting - more interesting get home have to kinds of feed, to give food to

Properties: Tape recorder, overhead projector, flash动画

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Revision

Revise be going to.

Ask individual students to open the door, close the window and do other classroom duties. As they stand up to obey, ask What are you going to do? Then ask the class What is he/she going to do?

Step 2 Presentation

Showing the picture of a farm by the overhead projector.

Ask What is this? What can you see on the farm? What kind of work is there on the farm?

Let the students to talk about the farm.


Step 3 Read and act

Get the students to look at the picture on page 16 and describe it.

Teach the new words about the animals on the farm.

Play the tape for the students to listen and ask How many kinds of animals are there on the farm?

Explain the language points:

have to, the plural form of sheep.

Explain the comparative of long adjectives. Give more examples, “My coat is beautiful. Her coat is more beautiful than mine.”

Play the tape again for the students to listen and repeat.

Have them work in pairs to practise the dialogue. Then ask some pairs to act it out in front of the class.

Step 4 Presentation

Call three students to the front and say, “Mary works hard. Lisa works harder than Mary. Lucy works harder than Lisa. Lucy works hardest of the three.”

Say another group of sentences and get the students to repeat, “Linda gets up early. Kate gets up earlier than Linda. Green gets up earliest of all.”

Step 5 Read and learn

Showing the students the picture of Part 2. Let them to describe the pictures with the comparative and superlatives of adverbs

Play the tape for the students to listen and repeat and check their answer.

Step 6 Exercise

Complete the sentences.

1. 我母亲的工作是照看孩子们。

My ______ ______ is ______ ______ ______ ______.

2. 你在家得做些什么?

What ______ you ______ to ______ at ______?

3. 让我帮助你喂鸡。

______ me ______ you ______ the chickens.

4. 吉姆在他们班上每天早晨到校最迟。

Mike ______ ______ school ______ ______ in their class every morning.


1.mother’s job, to look after children 2.do, have, do, home 3.Let, help, feed 4.gets to, the latest

Step 7 Homework

1. Make a group of sentences to compare things.

2. Finish off the workbook exercises.

The design of the blackboard

Lesson 13wait sheephave to tractorfeed the animals slowmore interesting slower



Lesson 14

1. 教学目标;

(1)使学生掌握本课重点词组和单词:agree with, in winter, in summer, hear doing, play with.


Which do you like better, A or B? I like A better than B.

Which do you like best, A, B or C? I like A best.


2.教具:Recorder and pictures.


Step 1 Revision

(1)写出下列单词的形容词和副词的比较级和最高级形式:High ,bright, interesting, good, beautiful, delicious, fast.


What kind of sport is it?

Which one is riding faster?

Which one is riding the fastest?

出示图片二:Who is taller? Who is the tallest in the three?

Which one is running faster?

Which one is running the fastest?

Is the second sport man running quickly?

Who is younger? Who is the youngest?

Which sports do you like better, the cycling or the running?


Where do Ji Wei and Jone live?

What kind of animals are on Ji Wei’s farm?

What kind of work does he do then?

Step 2 Leading - in

Show students pictures of farms in China and America. They talk about the pictures first, then talk about the questions given in pre - reading in small groups. Teacher calls one group to do it as a model.

Step 3 Presentation

Part 1 Pre –read

(1)Show students a picture of a crowded city to teach the word “city” and a picture of countryside to teach “the country”. Draw a tractor on the blackboard and teach the word “tractor”. Ask them where people use that. Help them to say “in the country” or “in the field” or “on the farm”. Imitate the sound and teach the word “bleat”. Use a picture to teach “lake” and ask them what people can do in a lake, help them to answer “in summer, we can swim, or go fishing; in winter, We can skate on the ice.”



Part 2 Read

(1)Students read the article silently and answer questions

1. What’s the difference between Ji Wei’s farm and John’s farm?

2. Which play does Ji Wei like better, the city or the country? Why?

3. How about John?

4. Who is Cody? Say sth about Cody.


agree with, hear sb doing sth …


Chinese farm American farm

Small, grow more rice than American Big, grow more corn than Chinese, have more tractors and machines, have more animals

Step 4 Practice


Which do you like better A or B? I like A better than B.

Which do you like best A,B,or C ? I like A best 。



(2)Write the topic “The city or the country” on the blackboard for the students to discuss in pairs. (They may read the dialogue in the book as a model) Encourage students to use dictionaries to help them add new reasons. Point out “lots of” means “ a lot of, many.”


Step 5 Exercise

1. Fill in the blanks.

I have a good friend who lives ① the farm.

He has many ② there, dogs, pigs, cows, etc. He uses a ③ to do the farm work , because it works faster and better. He don’t have to ④ the animals because they can find food themselves. He thinks the country is ⑤ (beautiful) than the city. He can hear the birds ⑥ and sheep ⑦ . And he often play ⑧ his dogs.

2. Compare the two farms, and two boys.

Ji Wei’s parents grow ① and ② , John’s parents grow ③ and ④ . Ji Wei likes to sit and looks at the ⑤ and ⑥ . John likes to sit and listens to ⑦ . John’s farm has a ⑧ where he often goes ⑨ in summer and ⑩ in winter.

Answers: 1. ①on ② animals ③ tractor ④feed ⑤ more beautiful ⑥) singing ⑦ bleating ⑧ with

2. ① rice ② wheat ③ corn ④ wheat ⑤blue sky ⑥ the green hills ⑦ the animals ⑧ lake ⑨ fishing ⑩skating

Step 6 Homework



(3)To write out the article “The city or the country.”

The design of the blackboard

Lesson 14Li Wei’s farm John’s farm

use a tractor Use animals

like to sit and look at… Go fishing…



Lesson 15

Teaching Objectives:


Language FOCUS:

help sb with sth like doing sth.

Eating too much is bad for you

Properties: Overhead projector, recorder

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Revision

1. To talk about the country life.

2. Revise the comparative and superlative forms of adjectives like interesting, beautiful, etc.

Step 2 Compare

Showing the students the pictures to compare. Saying:

The car goes faster than the bike.

The train goes faster than the car.

The plane goes faster than the train.

So the plane goes fastest of all.

Ask Who works carefully in class? Help the students to answer Jim works carefully. Ask Who works more carefully than Jim? Help the students to answer Kate works more carefully than Jim. Ask Who works the most careful of all? Help the students answer Lucy works the most carefully of all.

Write the model on the blackboard

The car runs faster than the bike.

The train runs faster than the car.

The plane runs the fastest of all

Get some pairs to present their sentences.

Step 3 Practise

Students talk about the farm work they can do, write the jobs on the board “feed the animal, pick corn (wheat, etc), grow corn (wheat, etc)” Then they talk about who can do the most work, use the dialogue in the book as a model.

Give more phrases for them to use “have books” “get home early” “eat much” “run fast” “have a good time”, etc.

Step 4 Read and complete

Students do the exercise themselves and then check the answers

(The answers: older, exciting, beautiful, quickly, better, faster, longer, interesting)

Then explain some words and phrases, point out the comparative and superlative forms of adverbs ending with “ly” are “more + adverbs” and “most + adverbs”.

Step 5 Exercise in class

Complete the sentences

1. 公共汽车和轿车,哪个开得快?轿车。

Which goes__________ ______, the car or the bus? The car_______.

2. 所有人当中,我摘的玉米最多。

I can pick ________ ________ corns of ______.

3. 她喜欢住在乡下。

She likes ______ ______ the country.

4. 迈克经常读书到深夜。

Mike often reads ______ ______ ______ ______.

5. 我认为住在城市比城镇有趣得多。

I think ______ in the city is ______ ______ ______ than in the town.

6. 她经常帮她阿姨干农活。

She often ______ her aunt ______ the farm work.

Answers: 1.more quickly, does 2.the most, all 3.living in 4.until late at night 5.living, much more interesting 6.helps, with/do

Step 6 Homework

1. Preview new lessons.

2. Finish off the workbook exercises.

The design of the blackboard

Lesson 15 more the quickest the earliest The car runs faster than the bike. The train runs faster than the car. The plane runs the fastest of all



Lesson 16

Teaching Objectives:


掌握元音/u: / /u//uE/的发音。

Language FOCUS:

/u: / u, oo /u/ u, oo, oul /uE/ ure, ua,

What are you going to do after you leave school?

Properties: Tape recorder, pictures

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Revision

Revise the comparison of adverbs.

My mother usually gets up earlier than my father.Zf133.CoM

My father gets up earlier than I.

So my mother gets up the earliest of all.

Step 2 Spelling and pronunciation

Play the tape for students to listen and repeat, then ask students to practise the pronunciations of these words.

Use flashcards to give more words. Get them to practise the words.

Step 3 Rhyme

Play the tape for students to repeat and recite.

Read the chant together as a class.

Then divide the class into two groups to practise the chant.

Step 4 Listening

Play the tape for the students to listen. First make sure the students understand the meaning of the passage.

Then play the tape again and answer the questions.

Step 5 Word puzzle

First explain the word haystack means a large pile of hay firmly packed for storing.

Then students find out the words in pairs.

Step 6 Reading

Play the tape for the students to listen. Ask What is John going to do after he leaves school?

Students read the text silently and ask them for the main idea of the passage.

Play the tape again and answer the following questions.

1. Where are Ji Wei and John now?

2. What are they talking about?

3. Where did they do just now?

4. What is John going to do after school? After college?

5. What does he want to learn at college?

6. Who is following them?

Explain some difficult point “college, school for higher education”, “each, every” nobody, not anybody, not anyone .

Step 7 Writing

Showing the students the picture of Aunt Peggy’s farm. Get them to look at the picture carefully. First have them talk about the picture. Then have them write one paragraph about the picture individually.

Step 8 Checkpoint

Revise the adjectival and adverbial comparatives and superlatives.

Read the useful expressions.

Step 9 Exercise in class

Complete the words, using the proper words.

Different people have different ideas.

O______ people like life in the country, but y______ people don’t. They think life in the country isn't i ______. They like to go to the c______, have dinner in the r______ and s______ and dance with their friends.

My uncle and my a______ aren't f ______, but they live in the country. They grow f______ and vegetables for f ______. Every morning they will walk r ______ the fields. They can hear b ______ singing and sheep bleating. They often say, “Life in the country is much b______ now.”

Answers: Old, young, interesting, cinema, restaurant, sing, aunt, farmers, fun, round, birds, better.

Step 10 Homework

1. To write out the description of the picture.

2. Write one passage about the city or the farm you live.

3. Finish off the workbook exercises.

The design of the blackboard

Lesson 16 What is John going to do after he leaves school?(Go to college.)


Lesson One



1)Welcome back!

2) Let me call your names.

日常交际:May I …?

I’m sorry.

It doesn’t matter.




Step 1 Part 1 Read and say

Say “Welcome to school! Everybody!”

拿出事先准备好的写有全班姓名的白纸,教授a piece of paper 之一短语及其他部分生词。

Teacher: What’s this in English?

Students: It’s a piece of paper.

Teacher: I have all your names on this piece of paper. Now let me call your names.



Who is their English teacher?

Does he know the students’ names?


根据教材中的图片提问:What can you see in the picture?

Who is late? Why?

播放Part 1的视频,再让学生回答问题(见媒体素材视频类:Lesson 1 Part 1)



Step 2 Part 2 Read and act

1)教师拿出准备好的卡片,说:Today is September 10th, Teachers’ Day.

这时学生会说:Happy Teachers’ Day, Mr./Miss …


2)放录音,问学生:What does Mr. Wu get? Who give him?


4)让学生仿照对话进行表演。可先欣赏这部分对话的场景视频。(见媒素材视频类:Lesson 1 Part 2)

Step 3 Practise


Step 4 Exercise






Happy Teachers’ Day!

Thank you for teaching us so well.

Thank you for your help.

Thank you for your hard work.

Best wishes to you.

We wish you a happy Teachers’ Day.

Lesson 2

Teaching Objectives:



Language Focus:

think about/of, talk about, give a talk, That’s a good idea. Why don’t you …, the difference between…and…

English names (three names): a first name, a middle name and family name.

given name, full name, call me Jim, be short for

Properties: Tape recorder, overhead projector,视频素材

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Revision

Revise What’s your name? My name’s … etc.


Step 2 Presentation

Ask a student What’s your name? Teach full name and explain the meaning of call.

Giving an English name and a Chinese name, explain the difference between English names and Chinese names. 可以播放视频素材Difference between Chinese and English names .asf。

Step 3 Read and say

Play the tape for the students to listen, Ask What is Jim thinking about?

Explain give a talk and talk about,播放视频素材:关于give a talk短语的讲解 .asf,关于think about的讲解 .asf

Teach the phrase “think about” by gestures and some sentences. eg. Teacher frowns and thinks as well as saying “I’m thinking about the homework for today.”或播放视频:关于think about的讲解 .asf讲解think about

播放视频素材:关于why don't表示建议的讲解 .asf,解释why don't的用法。

Play the tape again for the students to repeat. Have them practise the dialogue in pairs.

Step 4 Reading

Say Jim is going to talk about English names. Ask How many names do English people usually have?

Play the tape for the students to listen and find the answer.

Explain the meaning of for short.

Discuss Chinese names: What do Chinese people call each other for short?

Explain how to call an English name:

People use Mr., Mrs., Ms or Miss with their last names.


Then Explain the different between Chinese names and English names.

Play the tape again, get the students to answer these questions:

1. How many names are there in a full name? What are they?

2. What’s the order of these names?

3. Which name is not often used?

4. What are the titles used together with names? How to use them?

Step 5 Exercises in class

Let them do the culture comparing exercise.

English name: James Allan Green

Chinese name: Zhang Cheng

In the English name, family name is 1 , it s also called 2 or 3 name. The given names are 4 5 . The name not very much used is 6 . it’s also called 7 name.

In the Chinese name family name is 8 , it s also called 9 or 10

name. The given name is 11 . It's also called 12 name.

The answers: 1.Green 2.last 3.surname 4.James 5.Allan 6.Allan 7.middle 8.zhang 9.first 10.surname 11.cheng 12.last

Step 6 Homework

1. compare the difference between Chinese names and English names.

2. Finish off the workbook exercises.

The design of blackboard:

Lesson 3

Teaching Objectives:



Language FOCUS:

a lot (of) , many, much the present progressive tense

Properties: Tape recorder, cards with English names

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Revision

Show the cards with English names for students to tell which is family name, given name, how to call them.

Ask the students What’s your full name? What do your parents call you for short?

Step 2 Practise

Showing the English names cards, Ask Is … (name) a boy’s name?

Get the students to talk about the names in pairs after a model.

A: Do you know if Mary is a girl’s name?

B: Yes, it is a girl’s name/I m not sure, etc.

Point out the full and short forms of names. Practise the other question froms and answers in the same way.

Then. let them practise in pairs.

Step 3 Presentation

Teacher: What’s your name, please?

Students: My name is Zhang Da Min.

T: Can I call you Da Min?

S: Yes. (Sure)

S: What’s your name, please?

T: My name is Elizabeth, you may call me Liz, that’s short for Elizabeth.

Step 4 Read and act

Play the tape for students to listen, and ask Where is Sun Huifang from?

Have the students read the dialogue.

Then get them to work in pairs and act out the dialogue in pairs, they may use their own names or make - up names.

Step 5 Ask and answer

Have the students look at the picture and ask and answer questions about the picture.

- What is the boy doing?

- Which boy?

- The boy standing by the window.

- Oh, he’s cleaning the window.

Call individual student to the front, and make an action for the students to guess.

-Are you dancing?

-Yes, I am./No, I am not. (I'm not)

Step 6 Exercises in class

Write out the questions

The boys are having a football lesson on the playground.

① Who - ?

② What - ?

③ Where - ?

Answers: ① Who is having a football lesson on the playground?

② What are the boys doing on the playground?

③ Where are the boys having a football lesson?

Step 7 Homework

1.Describe the picture in present progressive tense.

2.Finish off the workbook exercises.

The design of blackboard

Lesson 4

Teaching Objectives:

Grasp the pronunciation of some letter clusters and understand the article.

Language Focus:

[ :] er, ur, ir, or, ear [a:]ar, a(ss),al [ u:]ou, ow

make sb sth, - make sth for sb try to do sth not…any more ask sb to do sth What are you going to do?

Properties: Tape recorder, Overhead projector, cards

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Review

1. Revise English names.

Give some names for them to say which is the family name and which is the given name. And how to use the titles Mr./ Mrs./ Miss/ Ms. Remind them that the titles can only be used with a family name.

2. Revise the Present Continuous Tense by showing a picture or miming an actions. Get the students to describe What he/she is doing?.

Step 2 Spelling and pronunciation

Play the tape for the students to listen and repeat.

Practise these sounds individually before practicing the whole words.

Show the students a flashcard with more words and ask them to pronounce the word written on it.

Step 3 Listening:

Play the tape for the students to listen.

播放课件:课文听力,Ask them to do the WB Ex.3.

Step 4 Read and act

Teacher: What are you going to do on Saturday?

Student: I’m going to…

T: Can you make a card?

S: Yes, I can.

T: Will you please show us your card?

S: Sure!

T: Oh, it’s really a nice card.

Play the tape for the students to listen. Then get the students to read and act out the dialogue in pairs.

Explain Where are you going? I’m going to ….

Play the tape again, and ask the questions:

① What does Tom’s mum want him to do?

② Can he do it? why? or why not ?

③ What is the idea Mum thinking out for Tom?

④ Do you think it’s a good idea?

Then get the students to act the dialogue out in pairs.

Step 5 Writing

Have the students write a dialogue in pairs. Then have several pairs read their dialogues for the class.

Step 6 Reading

Play the tape for the students to listen. Ask these questions:

Where is Phillip living?

How do people sometimes spell his name?

What name does Wang Jinging want to give Phillip?

Let the students read the text by themselves and answer the questions.

Then have the students work in small group to come up with a Chinese name for Philip.

Step 7 Checkpoint

Revise the Simple Present Tense and Present Continuous Tense.

Explain the difference between them.

Practise the useful expressions.

Step 8 Exercises in class

1. Read these word, pay attention to their pronounciation.

① bird ② part ③ grass ④how ⑤ trousers ⑥world ⑦ learning ⑧ clerk ⑨ birthday ⑩ blouse

2. To introduce Phillip in 40 words.

Step 9 Homework

1.Make an English name for yourself and make a name card to be placed on the desk.

2. Finish off the workbook

4. Go through the checkpoint.

The design of blackboard

Lesson Four, the fourth lesson [ :] er, ur, ir, or, ear [a:]ar, a(ss),al [ u:] Where are you going? I’m going to … Where is Phillip living? How do people sometimes spell his name? What name does Wang Jingjing want to give Phillip?


Teaching goals (教学目标)

1.Words : barber shop , well , bathroom , accident , earth , silence , playground , around , strange , kitchen , modern , follow , shirt .

2.when , while 引导的时间状语从句。





Important and difficult points:(教学重难点)

1.when , while 引导的时间状语从句。 2.学习过去进行时态。

Teaching aids : a tape-recorder , cards .


Teaching procedures(教学步骤) :

Step 1 Leading in(导入话题,激活背景知识)

1.Greetings and free-talk . 2.Check the Homework(家庭作业) .

3.Dictate the words in Unit 2 .

Step 2 Pre-task(任务前活动)SB Page 18 , 1a .

1.Point to the sentences .Read the sentences .E_plain what each one means .

2.Look at the picture .Point out the si_ people .Match the statements with the people in the picture .

3.Check the answers .

4.Practice reading .

Step 3 While-task(任务中活动)SB Page 18 , 1b .

1.Read the instructions .Make sure the Ss understand what they should do .

2.Look at the dialogue in the picture .


过去进行时态的构成: was / were + doing .


I was standing in front of the library when the UFO arrived .

3.Play the tape twice . Circle the correct responses . 4.Check the answers .

Step 4 Post-task(任务后活动)

Talk about what people were doing when the UFO arrived .

Step 5 While-task(任务中活动)SB Page 19 , 2a .

1.Read the sentences .Make sure the Ss understand what they mean .

2.Play the tape twice .Order these statements .

3.Play the tape again ,correct the answers .

SB Page 19 , 2b .

1.Read the instructions . 2.Play the recording .Write “when” or “while” on each line .

3.Play the recording again ,correct their answers .

Notice: when / while

※ When comes before a quick action that happens only once .The word “while” comes from an action that continues for some time .

Step 6 Post-task(任务后活动)SB Page 19 , 2c .

1.Point ort the picture .Ask what each person is doing .

work : Ask “What was …doing when the UFO arrived ?”

3.Ask a group to say its conversation to the class .

Step 7 Grammar Focus

Review the grammar bo_ by asking some students to read the sentences .

Homework(家庭作业) :

1.Go over the words in this unit


① They were talking the phone .

② I was he barber’s chair .

③ The boy was walking the street when a UFO landed .

④ I had a very unusual e_perience Sunday .

⑤ The alien visited the Museum Flight .









1、语音教学 本册课本在上册的基础上进一步学习和运用音标和单词的发音规则,着重抓好学生的预习,自学能力。

2、词汇教学 本册课本所要学习、掌握的单词约400个,另有固定搭配和习惯用语若干条,任务较重。
