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1、Autumn is quite pleasant, but winters are cold. 秋天的气候宜人,冬天则寒冷。

2、In autumn the leaves on the trees all turn yellow. 秋天树上的叶子都变黄了。

3、As the dead leaves crunched under my shoes and the wind whipped my cheeks, I realized autumn has arrived.

4、Fall girl marched slowly toward the pace of nature, she was like a magician, put into a colorful autumn leaves. 秋姑娘迈着姗姗步伐走向大自然,她像一位魔术师,把秋天的叶子变成了五颜六色。

5、Medicinal herb rhymes describe the appearance and properties of the medicinal herbs and their effect in curing diseases, keeping fit and prolonging life. 咏药诗是古代咏物诗的一类,它以描写药物的形态、特性,吟咏中药给人类带来的祛病健身、延年益寿的功用为主题。

6、Autumn, is a harvest day, autumn, of course, is the most common fruit, orchard fruit of joy, the joy of exposing their harvest. 秋日,是一个丰收的日子,秋天里,最常见当然是水果,果园里果农的欢乐,暴露了他们丰收的喜悦。

7、Secondly, in the article, indeed, Zhang Dai clearly states the background is the night of Moon Festival in eighth month. 第二,张岱在文章中实已表明所描写的是xx月中秋夜。

8、Autumn has arrived, and will fall Kapok fluff and seeds. 秋天来临了,会落下木棉花的绒毛和种子。

9、The arrival of autumn, so that fruit trees mature. Look, they're laughing apple red, like in autumn aunt let them mature thanks.

10、Fall illustration and writing activity. 图释秋天及书写练习。

11、If I were a reed, in these days of deep autumn, the girl of autumn changed my look and gave me a furry coat. 假如我是一支的芦苇,在这秋意浓浓的日子里,秋天姑娘改变了我的模样,给了我毛茸茸的外衣。

12、High autumn day, as if heaven and the earth Pangu also; days as blue, as if there was the artist painted in the sky blue pigment.

13、A poem is never finished, only abandoned. ---- Paul Valery (1871-1945) 世上没有写完的诗,只有停写的诗。 ——保罗·法勒里(1871-1945)

14、Autumn, , banyan tree leaves turn yellow, autumn mother-in-law deeply breathed a sigh of relief. 秋天,榕树一些叶子变黄了,秋婆婆深深地吹了一口气。

15、可以描写的方面. my room is nice and clean!

16、It is a common belief that sharp frosts color the autumn leaves. 一般人都以为秋天叶子的颜色是由急骤的霜冻造成的。

17、xxxMy big weir rivers nurse xxx this expresses emotion having many to narrate in the long poet component and detail depict. 《大堰河—我的保姆》这首抒情长诗中有许多叙事成分和细节描写。

18、Li Bai, who famous for fairy talent or so called fairy dismissed form Heaven, owned sixty more sauntering fairy poetry. 人称有仙才仙风或天上谪仙人的李白共有游仙诗六十多首,为何他要写游仙诗?

19、He liked sightseeing . When he met across good scenery, he wrote it down. So in his life . 他一生喜好游览,每遇胜景皆有题咏,写下大量描绘祖国山河、形象生动、风格遒劲的山水诗。

20、xxxToday, right now, is a wonderful day, xxx says computer scientist Pausch, here with son Logan, 3, last fall. “此刻的今天真是美妙的一天”去年秋天,与xx岁的儿子洛根一起嬉戏的计算机专家Pausch说道。

21、The shortest way to do many things is to only one thing at a time.--Richard Cech做许多事情的捷径就是一次只做一件事。--理查德 切

22、Autumn comes , it gets cooler and cooler. The sky is blue and the clouds are white. You would say autumn is blue and white. 秋天到了,天气变得越来越冷。天空是蓝的,云是白色的。你会说秋天是蓝色和白色的。



24、Autumn rain, the weather cool day by day. 秋雨绵绵,天气一天比一天凉爽。


26、the leaves turn to yellow and become fall from the tree.叶子逐渐变黄,慢慢从树

27、Autumn has arrived and a new academic year is well under way.

28、May not work in scripted events or large falls. 在手写体的事件或大的秋天不可能工作。

29、I think the most beautiful season in a year is autumn.

30、This is the initial part of the simile that describes the leaves: xxxthick as Autumnal Leaves that strow the Brooks / in Vallombrosa, where th' Etrurian shades / high overarch't imbow'r.xxx 这是描写落叶的比喻的开始部分:,“他们人数众多,稠密得像秋天的繁叶,/在瓦隆布罗萨,厄特鲁利亚的光辉逐渐暗淡“

31、Leaves fall down from trees in autumn. 在秋天,很多叶子都从树上飘落。


33、And in this period, very ErShe, qin rise of writing a day off days Qiang differences of the spring and autumn period and the stage is. 而在这时期,很上升贰拾万,秦天就写一段关天沈蔷分歧春秋阶段的事。


35、Ah yes, summer's out and autumn's in. 哦,好耶,夏天结束了,秋天来了。

36、Describe the solitude of autumn more, it seems that the wind becomes absurd document intended to rise to, are they just cool and the curtain fall? 描写秋天的寂寥多了,似乎笔风也变得荒意衍生了,难道秋天便只是冷却和落幕?

37、Because of the influence of Dark Learning, at that time, the realm of Taoism was embodied with sweeping and vague symbolization in the description of hills and rivers. 由于玄学的影响,此时的山水描写多用浑融之象体现“道”的境界,但也有少数诗文开始尝试对山水的具象描摹。

38、When it's an autumn leaf. 当这张叶子是一张秋天的叶子时。

39、The cool night time, will cover the quilt, but during the day but still very hot. 秋凉的时候,夜里要盖被子了,可是白天却依然很热。

40、As the saying goes, xxxThe sky was clearxxx is written in the sky, the beauty of autumn scenery. 正所谓“天高云淡”就是写的秋天的天空的美的景色。

41、I think this is where the text works hard, dyed yellow autumn leaves, all because of the mood and superficial description. 我想这便是文字工程的艰巨所在,落叶染黄了秋天,这一切只因描写的意境而浅薄。

42、Relative to the last spring, summer and winter glitz, silence, autumn is a hole that has yet to hang the fickleness of the world, already middle-aged and old male wei.

43、Old Summer Palace makes the scenery mostly is the famous poem celebrated work description ideal condition and the famous painterxxxs landscape painting reappearance;xxx 圆明园造景大多是名诗名作描写的意境和著名画家的山水画的再现;

44、I’m the tallest boy in the class. 我是班上个子最知高的男孩 Autumn is the best season in New York 秋天是纽约最道好的季节。

