






1、happy labor day to everyone who works tirelessly day in and day out to make our communities stronger, more vibrant, and more prosperous. your work is what makes our world go round.

2、work that is not done well needs to be done again.


4、now that thought exists in labor, people will live on labor。

5、they designated may1 as international labour day to be observed by the workers of all countries.

6、only the wings of diligence can prove that the world is not far from heaven.


8、to all the hardworking mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, and friends out there, happy labor day! today, we recognize your contributions to our communities and celebrate your achievements.

9、work is the glorious duty of every able-bodie





1、tomorrow is may day. we are goint to make a day of it.

2、hoe grain to be noon for day, began sweating grain soils。 behold dishes, each all pain!


4、sweat more in summer and cold less in winter.


6、labor is the father of wealth, land is the mother of wealth。

7、labour is often the father of pleasure.





12、"on this labor day, we salute the hardworking men and women who keep our society running smoothly." - 在这个劳动节上,我们向那些使我们社会运转顺畅的勤奋男女致敬。

13、practice makes perfect.

14、sloth, like rust, consumes fa



无数的劳动者用自己的智慧和勤劳的双手创造了人类社会的灿烂文化。五一劳动节是为尊重全世界劳动者而设立的节日。在五一劳动节这一天,我们可以祝愿劳动者节日快乐,写劳动节祝福语的事项有很多,你都知道吗?编辑为大家呈上收集和整理的英语劳动节手抄报内容句子, 供你阅读参考,并请收藏本页面!


1、labour day to our labour us all spring returns, i wish you a happy family happiness.

2、may day is a time cleaning, remove trouble dont keep!

3、labor is all power, all moral and powerful source of happiness。

4、labor is the foundation of human existence and means, is a person in the physical, the source of wisdom and morally perfect。

5、who is willing to work seriously, who can make a lot of achievements, can be superb。

6、the colorful world, friendship is precious, in this long holidays, i wish you happiness!

7、labor created history, labor to create the future. happy may day.

8、it is better to work hard than to succeed in eating.

9、practice makes perfect.

10、may day is a blessing, wish you peace happy garden!

11、thank you for contribution to the company for the past year, i wish a happy may day, all the best!

12、labor is an appeti



劳动是财富之父,土地是财富之母。五一劳动节是带有国际性质的重要节日。在劳动节到来之际,我们可以写一些祝福语送给劳动者们,那么哪些好的劳动节祝福语是适合我们的呢?为了让你在使用时更加方便,下面是小编整理的“英语劳动节手抄报内容句子”, 相信会对你有所帮助!

1、it is better to work hard than to succeed in eating.

2、wealths father is labor, and wealths mother is the earth.

3、the colorful world, friendship is precious, in this long holidays, i wish you happiness!

4、as tree trunks and branches together, from the branches of the trunk will die soon。

5、good all existing things are created by the fruit。

6、happy international workers"day!

7、to foster ability must continue to do, and must improve the learning method, at any time to improve the learning efficiency, will succeed。

8、toil and sweat, to harvest the fruits of success.

9、hought exists in labor, people will live on labor.

10、teacher for a day is a father for a lifetime.

11、labor glorious! labor, live forever! with their own hands to create brilliant, for the most beloved people to happiness!

12、labor bring us all, there is labor, is to return, no pains, no gains



人们辛勤的劳动,使一个个人类的梦想变成了现实。五一劳动节是为了纪念工人运动而设立的节日。在劳动节这一天,我们可以主动的为劳动者送上一句暖心祝福,那么你知道有哪些劳动节祝福语吗?栏目小编特别整理来自网络的英语劳动节的句子内容短, 供你参考,希望能帮到你。

1、still at work, labor day should labor, not to have a complaint! i wish you a happy holiday!

2、constant dripping wears away a stone. / little strokes fell great oaks.

3、wish the world all the toiling masses may 1 happy like me!

4、wish you a happy, a happy holiday, attention body, take care a lot!

5、know what is the labor: labor is the source of all joy and all good things in the world。

6、work at ordinary times busy, crazy shopping before may 1. not empty hands full, treat yourself never miss!

7、without labour, even the fish in the pond can t be caught.

8、thought exists in labor, people will live on labor.

9、happy international workers"day!

10、labor is the most reliable wealth.

11、dont labor labor day! so im just tired fingers move, give you clockwork sms to wish you a happy labor day!

12、teacher for a day is a father for a lifetime.

13、plan your year in spri



劳动是社会中每个人不可避免的义务。五一劳动节是全世界非常重要的一项文化产物。在劳动节这一天,我们可以写一些劳动节祝福语。那么你知道有哪些劳动节祝福语吗?或许你需要"英语劳动节的句子内容短"这样的内容, 供您参考,并请收藏本页!


1、now that thought exists in labor, people will live on labor。

2、all the treasures that can be derived from labor, all the plight, can be relieved by labor.

3、still at work, labor day should labor, not to have a complaint! i wish you a happy holiday!

4、only mans labor is holy。

5、love of labor。 not a force like labor, collective, love, free labor force that makes people become great and wise man。

6、labor is the source of all knowledge。

7、wish all the toiling masses may 1 happy!

8、work is more than the somebody else want me to do to do, but they never want me to do is to do it。 so, just have fun doing, there will be a harvest。

9、physical labor is to prevent the virus society great disinfectant。

10、labour is often the father of pleasure.

11、dont labor labor day! so im just tired fingers move, give you clockwork sms to wish you a happy labor day!

12、with t




1、may this labor day be a day of rest and relaxation for all those who have worked hard throughout the year.

2、the early bird catches the worm.

3、"on labor day, many families gather together for barbecues and picnics to enjoy the last days of summer." - 在劳动节这一天,许多家庭聚在一起烧烤野餐,享受夏天的最后时光。



6、wishing you a relaxing and enjoyable labor day weekend!

7、your hard work for us to convey warmth, heartfelt greet a cry, you were laborious! happy labor day!

8、cheers to the unsung heroes of society – the hardworking laborers – happy labor day!



11、practice makes perfect.



14、let's take a moment to thank those who work tirelessly to ensure th




friends, meet and get to know each other, know each other, grow together, we each other care, bloomy spring days, we meet, i wish a happy labor day!


madadayo smoke, gurgling streams, is i to you the best care, not the grand finale, have always calm, i wish may 1 happy, happy happy!


work wholeheartedly, the efficiency of the lead, meticulous work, achievement, career, may day, send you five, i wish you a good to great!


treat life, like work carefully; to work, like love fever; treatment of labor, as natural as breathing. about the future, calm like reality. happy may day!


friends will be quietly in the side support you, if there are any of those things will look back, you will now have i accompany you,




1、如果没有小假期,工作疲劳那里去?难不成都憋屈着,直到哪一天爆发?我知道你忙一天累了,可能睡着了,不知为什么想和你说话,我很想告诉你……很想告诉你…五一节快乐… 没事!


3、健康快乐长伴你,好运和你不分离。 译文:好想,好想你!没胆咋办?找拉登练练!

4、工作开心!幸福相伴,一往无前。 庆祝劳动节,迎接红五月!要是想你咋办?到猪圈看看!

5、may day is a blessing, wish you peace happy garden!


7、● 闻您重担在肩,夙夜匪懈,谨愿百忙之中,起居有节,身心长健,事事常顺…五一节快乐… ● 祝你劳动节愉快!

8、很想你,很想你…… 英文:oh, how much i miss you!

9、五一是个祝福日,祝你平安福满园! 五一五一我爱你,就像老鼠爱大米!

10、真诚祝大家劳动节快乐! 祝五一快乐:奖金多多再翻一倍,事业发达再进一步,人气直升再火一点,身体安康再棒一点,人见人爱身边美女再多一群。




3、英文:may you two share every day of life together till forever. 英文:sending you a kiss to say i’m glad that you are mine. happy theday!


5、五一劳动节快乐! 译文:我俩的爱,一年比一年更坚定。开心、快乐、幸福、失落、伤心、痛苦的所有日子。

6、五一是次旅游节,心情保养每一天! 月很圆花更香,祝你身体永健康;手中茶杯中酒,祝你好运天天有;欢乐多忧愁少,愿你明天更美好。







2、在这个特别的日子里,让我们向辛勤工作的人们致敬。on this special day, let us salute all hardworking individuals.

3、set foot on the journey, to feel peaceful; literally blather, relaxed and happy; make some entertainment, taifook self-drawn. home security, but also the work. i wish a happy labor day!

4、may your efforts and spany you, good luck and you are not separated. and let me tell you, labor is the hard e, drives muddleheadedly, falls into the forest depth by mistake, vomits, vomits, startles the mandarin duck innumerable!

5、让我们一起庆祝这个劳动者的节日,感谢所有为社会进步做出努力的人们。let's celebrate this day of the workers together, and express gratitude to all those who strive for societal progress.


7、work is the boat, performance is the sail, home is the harbor, holiday is shore and wash zhengchen, zhankai smi
