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趣祝福祝福语大全(编辑 巧克力糖)Let not forget, but eliminate.~~还有与此相类似的句子吗?也许以下内容“唯美的英文爱情句子”合你胃口!更多信息请继续关注我们的网站。


1、My heart has always stayed with your heart.


3、I’m a child who hasn’t suffered, but I can eat anything for you.

4、I trust the people who teach me not to trust anyone.我最信任的人 教会了我 不要相信任何人.


6、The way you look at me is like gazing at the stars - full of wonder and admiration. 你看我的眼神就像凝望星空一般,充满了惊喜和仰慕。


8、Thank me for loving you no way anyone has ever tride。 从来没有一个人像我这样爱你,谢谢我!

9、只要习惯于一个人的习惯,便能幸福!As long as you used to the habit of a person, can be happy!

10、I dont know why I like you, but if I do it again, I will still choose you.

11、Sometimes there is no way out except to say goodbye.


13、i cant promise to fix all your problems, but i can promise you wont have to face them alone——我没法服务承诺帮你彻底解决全部的问题,但我保证不容易使你独自一人去应对!

14、I like the wind in March, the rain in April, the sun that doesn’t set, and the best of you.

15、Loving you is closely related to my life.


17、something for nothing 那什么换回了空白。

18、我看见没有哪种婚姻比只为容貌,只贪肉体的欲望的结合破裂得更早,更糟糕。I saw no marriage than just for appearance only greedy sensual combination burst sooner, even worse。







20、What I want is simple, time is still there, you are still there.

21、Love is not about finding someone to complete us, but about finding someone who inspires us to become the best version of ourselves.

22、In your eyes, I see a world filled with infinite love and endless possibilities.

23、In your eyes, I have found the reflection of a thousand beautiful tomorrows filled with laughter and endless love.

24、I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am with you.我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起的感觉。


26、Among those whom I like, i can find no common denominator, but among those whom i love, i can: all of them make me laugh. 我无法在我所喜欢的人中间找到共同的特征,但我能在我所爱的人中间找到它:他们都会是我欢笑。

27、Never give up on something you really want. Remember: it’s difficult towait but more difficult to regret!

28、 That’s one of the things I like about you, You’re strong. 这是我喜欢你的一个地方,你很坚强。

29、十、 love makes man grow up or sink down. 爱情,要么让人成熟,要么让人堕落。

30、No man or woman s worth your tears, and the one who s, won‘t make you cry.没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。

31、I will always be with you until the end of time if you'dnever leave me。

32、Ten thousand happy thousand drunken, idle people in the world on earth immortal.

33、To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world。 对于世界来说,你是渺小的;但他(她)却把你视为独一无二的珍宝。

34、I’m fond of you。我对你有好感。

35、Sorry, I forgot. You don't need me anymore.

36、As time goes by, the moon is accompanied by the green lamp and the moon. The weak water can’t defeat the old days when you smile and smile.


38、I like you. This is my disaster.



40、Love is a play that a person who gets and losses.风月入我相思局,怎堪相思未相许。


42、Lend me seven seconds time, three seconds said I love you, four seconds let me embrace you.

43、Yes, you are swaggering, blatant and ostentatious.

44、No matter when U start,you do not stop after starting. No matter when U end, you do not regret afterended.


46、Who holds the hand of the world for me, who I spend all my time for.

47、In your embrace, I find solace and a sense of belonging.

48、In this chaotic world, you are the only constant that I can rely on. 在这个混乱的世界里,你是我唯一可以依靠的不变之物。

49、Love is a language that transcends all barriers, spoken by the heart.

50、Love is not about how many days, weeks or months you've been together, it's all about how much you love each other every day. 爱情不是关于你们在一起多少天、多少周或多少个月,而是关于你们每天彼此有多爱对方。

51、What an important thing it is to keep my promise!

52、No matter the ending is perfect or not, you cannot disappear from my world.我的世界手游不允许你的消退,无论结果是不是极致.

53、Even if that person is not to walk with their life, but he is a lover!

54、I walked, in a smile, please look through me.我走,在有笑容的时候,请把我表情看透。


56、I wish I could freeze time and spend eternity with you. 我希望能定格时间,永远和你在一起。

57、Let not forget, but eliminate.

