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【#元宵节祝福语# #元宵节祝福朋友圈短句精选51句#】趣祝福的编辑经过搜集和处理,为你提供元宵节祝福朋友圈短句,希望你更多关注本网站更新。见说马家滴粉好,试灯风里卖元宵,又是一年元宵节到来。元宵节,从古时候到现在,都有着美好的寓意,你是否正在想一些元宵祝福呢。





5、祝你元宵佳节快乐无边,幸福无限! I wish you a happy Lantern Festival, unlimited happiness!

6、The sky the moon is round yuanxiao round pot dinner table round you my mood more round just like yuanxiao sticky shout the pandas

7、At this moment, I have the deepest yearning to cloud Qiaoqu full blessing embellishment you sweet dreams, you would like to have a happy Feast、[76范文网 WWW.Fw76.COM]

8、给你一碗元宵,从此幸福伴随,全家合合美美,生活有滋有味。 I'll give you a bowl of yuanxiao. I'll be happy from then on. The whole family will be united and beautiful, and the life will be interesting.


10、Happy and healthy New Year, sweet and auspicious New Year, happy Lantern Festival and bright future!

11、I wish you a happy Lantern Festival and a happy family!

12、元宵节之际,祝你心中有首快乐的歌!The Lantern Festival, wishing you a song in your heart!


14、送走冬季的寒冷,迎来春天的灿烂,世界随着季节变,思念却是更胜前,元宵佳节心情暖,给你祝福不会变,愿你生活比春花艳,愿你事业比月亮圆。 Off the winter cold, to celebrate the spring is bright, the world with the seasons change, missing is better than before, the Lantern Festival mood, bless you will not change, I wish you a life than the spring flowers yan, wish you career than the moon。

15、心要让你听见,爱要让你看见,不怕承认对你有多眷恋想你的时候,月圆的季节,祝你今夜好梦! Heart want to let you hear love to let you see not afraid to admit how sentimentally attached to you When thinking of you the month circle of the season I wish you a good dream tonight!

16、In the first month to the Lunar New Year, 15 lanterns闹universe, glutinous rice balls delicious fragrant, I wish you good emerge Festival, and you never at the best of luck and success in the future never happy!

17、一年一度元宵白,一年一度元宵霜。圆圆白白报元夜,瑞雪连连兆丰年。 Yuanxiao is white, annual annual yuanxiao cream. Yuan yuan all be submitted to the rice glue ball, snow a bumper harvest.


19、Wishing you peace, joy and happiness and everything all the best through Lantern !


21、May the beauty and joy of New Year remain with you throughout the new year!

22、It's Lantern Festival, and I send my best wishes to you: Happy Lantern Festival, Jennifer, happiness, warmth, good health, abundant financial resources, smooth and happy work. Happy Lantern Festival!

23、喜迎元宵:日圆,月圆,团团圆圆!官源,财源,左右逢源!人缘,福缘,缘缘不断!情愿,心愿,愿愿随心! Celebrate yuanxiao: the yen the month circle the pandas! The official sources financial resources both ways! Popularity humble the geopolitical fate! Rather wish wish to do!

24、元宵节又到了,还记得我们有猜灯谜做的同样的兴奋逛庙会?现在依然很忙,人与人是不同的,远方的你,可好苍蝇?有时间写哟! lantern festival came around again, remember we are visiting the temple with the same excitement of guessing riddles do? now busy still, people are different, the distance you, flies kehao? have time to write yo!

25、Bright moon, eat dumplings; Happy dreams, happy reunion, happy Lantern Festival!

26、白糕红糕糯米糕,吃完过后样样高,年年薪水在升高,事业看好步步高,甜圆咸圆芝麻圆,品完过后事。 Eat white pudding red glutinous rice glutinous rice cake after all high salary is on the rise year after year career on a backgammon salty sweet circle round sesame round after the finished product

27、祝您元宵阖家欢乐,事事如意! I wish you a happy Lantern Festival and all the best!

28、My beautiful woman wishes you a happy Lantern Festival!

29、用最少的钱买一条短信,作为节日礼物送给远方的你,它带去的是我对你的思念和深深祝福,祝你节日快乐!礼轻吗?但人意很重! With the least amount of money to buy a text message, far-away place of you, as a holiday gift brought it is my thoughts and blessings to you and wish you a happy holiday! Ceremony light? But good heavy!

30、Official source, financial source, I wish you a good career!

31、千万个祝愿,在寒风中凝固,但元宵节的灯笼,元宵节的汤圆,元宵节的祝福却在温暖中传送,愿温馨、温情、温柔在祝福中停留,祝你元宵节快乐!Thousands of wishes, frozen in the cold wind, but the Lantern Festival lantern, Lantern Festival dumplings, the blessings of the Lantern Festival is transmitted in the warm, sweet, tender, gentle in blessing all of stay, I wish you a happy Lantern Festival!

32、Congratulations on the Lantern Festival and send a message to bless you!


34、元宵已至,没什么可以送你的,于是挑来几担快乐,扛来几袋幸福,装来几盒鸿运,运来几筐好心情作为配料,包进团圆汤圆里送给你,祝元宵快乐甜蜜!Yuanxiao is to, nothing can be sent to you, so pick up a few happy bear, carry to several bags of happiness, to roll boxes, shipped several baskets of good mood as ingredients, bag into the reunion dumplings for you, I wish a happy Lantern Festival sweet!

35、花好月圆人团圆,群灯曾艳你最“好”。寄去相思和祝愿,网中情缘愿梦“圆”。 Spending a reunion group of lamp Ceng Yan you most "good" Send acacia and wishes the net love to dream "circle"


37、汤圆圆,人圆圆,欢天喜地闹元宵,赏花灯,放花炮,好运福运来报道,送祝福,表心意,愿你幸福永相伴,发短信,送吉祥,元宵佳节合家欢。 Tangyuan circle, circle circle, merrily merrily the yuanxiao, admire the lanterns, put firecrackers, good luck to good fortune, to send blessings, table, wish you happiness forever accompany, text messages, send auspicious, the Lantern Festival family。

38、元宵圆圆,月儿圆,许个心愿圆又圆。老友远方把短信传,祝福你:甜甜蜜蜜快快乐乐健健康康到永远! Yuanxiao is round moon circle make a wish round and round Old friends far away hand the SMS bless you you'll be happy and healthy forever!

39、The Lantern Festival is round, the family is happy, and the New Year's dream is more round.


41、正月十五闹元宵不要忘了吃,吃了好运气总是在那里,永远幸福吃两吃三个合家团圆,吃四个赛季放心食用5。 。该死的小猪猪,这东西可不好消化哟! lantern festival lantern festival do not forget to eat, eat a good luck are always there, always happy to eat two to eat three the family reunion , eating four seasons safe to eat 5. . . damn small pig, this thing can be bad digestion yo!

42、今天元宵佳节,祝你快乐开怀。 I wish you a happy Lantern Festival.

43、元宵佳节,天晴月圆。祝你手好运好心情好,月圆梦圆事事圆。 The Lantern Festival, the weather is fine month circle. I wish you good luck good mood, the month circle everything circle.

44、元宵节快乐!今天是过年的最后一天,不知道你还给红包不咯? Happy Lantern Festival! Today is the last day of Chinese New Year. Do you want to return the red envelope?

45、今天的月亮像一个大元宵,我吃了一半,余下一半给你,巧克力馅的,喜欢吗?Today the moon like a big lantern, I ate a half, the remaining half for you and chocolate filling, like it?




49、Yuanxiaoye night Lantern Festival, the nightly Yuanxiaoye happy, happy years, the mid-happy, I wish you a happy holiday!

50、元宵节,愿你全家团团圆圆,甜甜蜜蜜,美美满满,快快乐乐! On the Lantern Festival, I wish you a happy and happy family!
