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在前进的道路上总会有坎坷,说一些心灵鸡汤是必不可少,简简单单一句励志语录就可以让人重整振作起来。那大家有没有收藏几句自己喜欢励志文案呢?在此,你不妨阅读一下人生英文励志句子简短, 供您参考,并请收藏本页!

1、Storms make trees take deeper roots.

2、The cruel reality, needs you to struggle, needs you to struggle.


4、thing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.

5、Do not worry about the poor, do not aspire to wealth.


7、Thirst after desert,not reward.

8、Misfortunes tell us what fortune is.

9、Every successful person has a start。 Start bravely to find a successful way。

10、society can make a perpetual constitution, or even a perpetual law.

11、When a person from h first heart begins to struggle, he a man of value。

12、Singularity is almost invariably a clue. The more featureless and commonplace a crime is, the more difficult is it to bring it home.

13、If thou injurest conscience,it will have its revenge on thee.

14、Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand.

15、People on the wdom should be bright and clear, moral should be innocent, body should be clean。

16、Dont sigh for yesterday, just for today.

17、The adult more important than success, will study more important than to learn, progress more important than lead。

18、matter how beautiful the dream of a wise man is, it is not as good as the footprints of a fool.

