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1. Sometimes the best way to move forward is to let go of the past. 有时候前进的最好方式是放下过去。

2. Don't let yesterday's mistakes ruin today's happiness. 别让昨天的错误毁了今天的快乐。

3. The only way to make room for the new is to let go of the old. 唯一让新生机会出现的方式就是放下旧的。

4. Letting go doesn't mean giving up, it means accepting that some things weren't meant to be. 放手并不是放弃,而是接受有些事情不是注定的。

5. Holding onto grudges only hurts the person holding onto them. 抱怨只会伤害抱怨的人。

6. The pain of holding onto something is often worse than the pain of letting it go. 牢牢抓住某物的疼痛通常比放手疼痛更严重。

7. Clinging to the past won't make it come back. 抓住过去不会让它回来。

8. Letting go is scary but it's also liberating. 放手是可怕的,但也是自由的。

9. Sometimes the hardest part is just accepting what happened and letting it go. 有时候最困难的部分就是接受发生的事情并放手。

10. You can't move on to the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one. 如果你不停地重读上一章的话,你就无法进入生命的下一章。

11. Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. 抱怨就像喝下毒药却期望着他人死亡。

12. It's not worth losing yourself over someone who isn't willing to see your worth. 为了不愿认可你的价值而失去自我是一件不值得的事情。

13. Letting go doesn't mean forgetting, it just means moving on without holding onto the pain. 放手并不意味着忘记,它仅仅意味着不带着疼痛继续前行。

14. The more you cling to something, the more it will slip away from you. 越是抓紧某物,它就越是会从你的手中溜走。

15. Forgive yourself for the mistakes you've made and move forward. 原谅自己所犯的错误并向前走。

16. Holding onto the past won't change anything, it will only prevent you from creating a better future. 牢牢抓住过去不会改变任何事情,它只会阻止你创造更好的未来。

17. You can't control everything that happens to you, but you can control how you choose to react. 你无法控制发生在你身上的所有事情,但你可以控制如何选择反应。

18. Don't let fear hold you back from living the life you want to live. 别让恐惧阻止你过自己想要的生活。

19. Letting go of toxic people is an act of self-care. 放手毒人是一种自我爱的行为。

20. Holding onto regret won't change the past, it will only hold you back from the future. 牢牢抓住遗憾不会改变过去,它只会阻止你前进。

21. You can't move forward if you're constantly looking back. 如果你经常回首过去,你就无法前进。

22. Don't let the fear of failure hold you back from trying. 别让失败的恐惧阻止你去尝试。

23. Letting go is hard, but it's necessary for growth. 放手很难,但它是成长所必需的。

24. The only person you have control over is yourself. 你唯一有控制的人就是你自己。

25. You can't control other people's actions, but you can control how you respond to them. 你无法控制别人的行动,但你可以控制如何应对它们。

26. Holding onto anger is like holding onto a hot coal, you're the one who gets burned. 抱怨就像抓着一颗热煤,你是那个被烫伤的人。

27. The moment you let go of what's holding you back is the moment you start moving forward. 放手的那一刻,你开始向前行。

28. Don't let the opinions of others shape your life, you are in control. 别让他人的观点塑造你的生活,你有掌控权。

29. Let go of what you can't change and focus on what you can. 放手你无法改变的事情,专注于你可以改变的事情。

30. Holding onto hate is like drinking saltwater, the thirst only gets worse. 抱怨就像喝下盐水,渴望只会变得更糟。

31. You can't control the past, but you can control how you let it shape your future. 你无法控制过去,但你可以控制它如何塑造你的未来。

32. What's meant to be will find its way, and what's not will fall away. 命中注定的会找到它的道路,不命中注定的则会消逝。

33. The more you learn to let go, the lighter your load becomes. 越是学会放手,你的沉重就会越来越轻。

34. Don't settle for anything less than what you deserve. 别接受比你应得的更少。

35. Letting go doesn't mean giving up, it means moving on to something better. 放手不是放弃,而是朝着更好的未来前进。

36. The best way to predict your future is to create it. 预测未来最好的方式就是创造它。

37. Letting go allows you to make room for new possibilities. 放手让你有机会迎接新的可能。

38. Holding onto anger is like trying to swim with a ball and chain, it only drags you down. 抱怨就像试图背着一个鱼雷游泳,它只会拖你下水。

39. You can't change the past, but you can change how you let it affect your present. 你无法改变过去,但你可以控制它对你现在的影响。

40. Don't let someone else's opinion of you become your reality. 别让他人对你的看法成为你的现实。

41. Letting go starts with acceptance. 放手始于接受。

42. Holding onto grudges only holds you back from growing. 抱怨只会阻止你成长。

43. Don't let fear hold you back from living your dreams. 别让恐惧阻挡你去过梦想生活。

44. Letting go doesn't mean you're weak, it means you're strong enough to move forward. 放手并不意味着你软弱,它意味着你有足够的力量去前进。

45. Holding onto the past is like living in a constant state of mourning. 牢牢抓住过去就像活在一种不断哀悼的状态中。

46. You can't change the direction of the wind, but you can adjust your sails. 你无法改变风向,但是你可以调整你的船帆。

47. Letting go of negative self-talk is an act of self-love. 放弃负面自我评价是一种自我爱。

48. Holding onto control only leaves you feeling out of control. 抓住控制只会让你感到失控。

49. Don't dwell on the past, let it serve as a lesson for the future. 别沉迷于过去,让它成为未来的教训。

50. Let go of what no longer serves you and make room for what does. 放弃不再为你服务的东西,为新装备腾出空间。

51. Holding onto resentment is like letting someone else live rent-free in your head. 抱怨就像让别人住在你头脑里而免费不用交房租。

52. The only way to move on from the past is to accept it and let it go. 前进的唯一方式是接受过去并放手。

53. Don't let the past dictate your future. 别让过去决定你的未来。

54. Letting go doesn't mean you're giving up on something, it means you're creating space for something better. 放手并不意味着你放弃了某些事情,它意味着你为更好的事物创造了空间。

55. Holding onto anger is like holding onto a hot potato, you're the one who gets burned. 抱怨就像拿着一个热土豆,你是那个被烫伤的人。

56. You can't start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one. 如果你不停地重读上一章,你无法开始接下来的生命章节。

57. Letting go may be painful, but holding onto the wrong thing will hurt more in the end. 放手可能很痛苦,但长期持有一件错误的事物会更加痛苦。

58. Don't let the fear of the unknown stop you from stepping into something new. 别让未知的恐惧阻止你迈向新的道路。

59. Letting go is a form of acceptance, and acceptance is the first step toward healing. 放手是一种接受,接受是治愈的第一步。

60. The best is yet to come, but you have to let go of what's holding you back to reach it. 最好的还在后面,但是你必须放手你所抓住的以达到它。

61. Holding onto the past is like holding onto a weight that only drags you down. 抓住过去就像抓住一个拖你下沉的重量。

62. Don't let the opinions of others define who you are. 别让他人的观点定义你是谁。

63. Letting go of attachment is the first step toward inner peace. 放手守着依恋是通往内心平静的第一步。

64. Holding onto regret is like trying to drive a car while looking in the rearview mirror, you're bound to crash. 牢牢抓住遗憾就像试图在照后视镜的同时驾车,你肯定会撞车。

65. You can't control everything that happens in life, but you can control your attitude toward it. 你无法控制生活中发生的所有事情,但你可以控制你的态度。

66. Letting go allows you to find peace in the moment. 放手使你找到当下的和平。

67. Holding onto anger is like holding onto a grenade, you're the one who gets hurt the most in the end. 抱怨就像拿着一个手榴弹,最终是你最受伤。

68. You can't change the past, but you can always choose your future. 你无法改变过去,但你可以总是选择你的未来。

