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4、Liverpool have extended Krisztian's contract until 2012 lately and this shows that they consider him as a good prospect for the future. 利物浦已经延长了克里斯坦斯安的合同到xx年,这显示他们已经都考虑他的未来憧憬。

5、Picture all the expectations you have for yourself, your life, your spouse, your kids, your coworkers, your job, the world. 想象一下你所有的期望,对自己、对人生、对配偶、对孩子、对同事、对工作以及世界的期望。

6、This is a much longed-for holiday for children. 对于孩子们来说这是一次渴望已久的假期。


8、I am looking forward to the future , but I have no reasons to shirk my today-duty. 我憧憬未来,但我没有任何理由逃避今天的责任。


10、You must have a clear vision of your life. 你必须对你的人生有一个清晰憧憬。


12、Fortyfourth street side of each figure are like you 第四十五封 我也憧憬过也怕后来没结果


14、And, at our balcony table, as darkness gathered and the birds fell silent, we sat and raised our glasses to the shared past, the present, and what is yet to come. 坐在阳台上的桌子边上,看夜幕慢慢落下,听着鸟鸣逐渐稀疏,一起举杯分享过去的时光,憧憬未来。

15、Other students on the SMU campus also had high hopes for the future. 南卫理公会大学的其他学生也对未来抱有很高的期望。


17、We should learn from yesterday, cherish today and hope for tomorrow. 我们应该感悟过去,珍惜现在,憧憬未来。

18、We hear much of visions and I trust we shall continue to have visions and dream dreams of a fairer future for the race. 关于对未来的各种憧憬,我们听得多了。我相信我们会继续憧憬未来,为人类的前途编织更美好的梦。

19、But China still seems to unrealistic expectations. Andthat 's a problemforall of us. 但是,中国似乎对未来仍抱着不切实际的期望。这也是所有人要面对的问题。

20、The great man has a vision of the future that enables him to put obstacles into perspective. 伟大的人物善于憧憬未来,这就使得他能够以长远的观点看待眼前的障碍。




23、Reporter: What do you expect in Hangzhou craft shoe industry? 您对杭州工艺鞋产业未来的发展有何期望?

24、The action of Look up has two meanings . What we are looking up at is the appearance of CNPV solar-cell panel , The second meaning is to show the people's expectation . 仰望的本身是光伏太阳能电池板的外观形式,也是人们憧憬未来的表现手法。

25、Hyypiä eyes the European Cup before the 2005 final with AC Milan in Istanbul. xx年,伊斯坦布尔,海皮亚憧憬对阵米兰的欧冠决赛。


27、It's been a tough year for Amgen, but something finally went the company's way. 在这个对安进来说非常困难的xx年里,终于还是有些事情按照安进所期望的样子发展了。

28、Thirdly, we brought forward the prospect of the waterborne heavy-duty coatings in the future. 最后,对于水性重防腐涂料未来的发展方向提出了展望。

29、Meanwhile, job growth has been, and looks to remain, disappointingly slow, indicating that those out of work for a while are likely to remain so for the foreseeable future. 而同时,就业机会的增加保持在一个令人失望的慢速度,表明短期失业者由于对未来有一个比较好的预期,因而可能并不急于找工作。

30、Following the painting work from the students of old Yang Jia Zhen Primary School are shown, the colorful painting represents the longing and hope to the new ^v^Sunshine Primary School^v^. 下面是杨家镇小学的孩子们亲手制作的一幅幅“阳光小学”绘画作品,五彩缤纷的画作表达了孩子们心中对未来“阳光小学”的憧憬和希望。

31、Can spell out with a floor tile the personal longing to domesticity . 用一块一块的地砖可以拼出自己对家庭生活的憧憬。

32、Having faith in this vigorous hotel, we're looking forward to a glorious future of Renaissance Shanghai Yangtze Hotel. 上海扬子江万丽大酒店旺盛的生命力让人一如既往地对她充满信任与憧憬。

33、Several fresh-faced youths idealistically enlist in the army, only to find disillusionment and death. 几个稚气未脱的青年,满怀憧憬,应征入伍,结果却发现梦想破灭,处处都是死亡。


35、Free chatting and laughter are the deepest impression of my family and same as my expectation of my own family. 一家人在一起有说有笑是我对家庭最深的印象, 也是我对未来自己的小家的期望。

36、That underscores the sentiment and expectations of investors worldwide about Europe's economic potential and future prospects. 这突出了全世界投资者对欧洲经济潜力和未来前景的观点和期望。

37、Nice plans - shame about the people presently living on the site of this vision of the future. 好计划——对现在居住在这种未来憧憬之地的人感到羞愧。

38、That's because the expectation of reward launches a future-oriented mindset, which subverts the entire process. 那是因为对回报的期望开启了一个以未来为导向的心态,这搅乱了整个过程。

39、Expectation or result tracing out of the AND expectations = less than or equal to the smallest sureness factor from the AND constituents. 追溯到 AND 期望的期望或结果 = 小于或等于来自 AND 成分的最小的确信因子。

40、They have tired of the false promises and grand illusions of radical extremists,” he said, and reject their “hateful vision” in favor of a better future. 他们厌倦了激进极端分子的虚假许诺和虚无缥缈的幻想^v^,决然摈弃极端分子的^v^仇恨思想^v^,憧憬更美好的未来。

41、Ann has already given up on her future. 小安对她的未来已不抱希望。



44、We hope that positive social mechanisms that are conducive to human adaptability will play an ever more effective role in meeting the challenges of the future. 我们寄希望于积极的社会机制,以期有助于人类更加适应自然,对未来的挑战扮演一个更加积极有效的角色。


45、Compere : A few what kind of hope to have to present development and future to this business? 主持人:对这个业务对现在的发展和未来有一些什么样的期望?

46、Housing for the future delivery, for a small property owners is a expectant right for future property, such expectant rights gain exclusive effectiveness because of notice registration. 房屋的未来交付,对于小业主来说是一种未来物权的期待权,这种期待权因为预告登记而具有排他性的效力。

47、Forward rates equal expected future spot rates. 即远期利率等于未来即期利率的期望值

48、In the beginning after their graduation, they resolved to roost themselves in Jiangzhou metropolis and was expecting a promising future and a splendid blueprint in their mind. 毕业之初,两人立志扎根江州这个大都市,对未来充满憧憬,不断地在脑海里勾画着生活的宏伟蓝图。

49、读音:rú rì fāng shēng

50、For the coming new year, let us expect together. SNSD must be into the new world and creating a new future. 新的xx年里,对于未来的憧憬,我们翘首以盼,共同期待。

51、Mr. Huang: Yes. Many intellectuals hope the revolution of society and can build a perfect society. 黄:对我很大。当时很多知识分子,对于社会的变革抱着希望,期望建立一个制度相对完善的社会。

52、I grew up in the Midwest, which shaped my expectations of the world. 我在米德韦斯特长大,这里影响了我对世界的憧憬。


54、^v^I think it's true that parents have higher aspirations for their kids than agricultural labor,^v^ he says. 的确,父母对孩子有更高的期望,不希望他们将来当农业工人。

55、Heart is living in tomorrow, Present is dejected here; In a moment, passes sorrow, That which passes will be dear. 我们的心儿憧憬着未来,现今总是令人悲哀,一切都是暂时的,转瞬即逝,而那逝去的将变为可爱。

56、Although the Idstein design center had considerable experience with this type of mechanism, the resulting design could never exceed user expectations. 尽管伊斯坦设计中心对于机械装置有着丰富的经验,但设计出来的产品却从未能超越使用者的期望值。

57、While the first job, in addition to bring a fresh and boundless vision for the future, it is more like a grindstone, in repeated sharpen make us the workplace needs. 而第一份工作,除了带来一时的新鲜感和对未来的无限憧憬之外,它更像是一块磨刀石,在反复磨砺中把我们打造成职场所需要的样子。

58、The long-term demands includes parents' expectation of children's education attainment, expectation of what personality children will have and what kind of person children will be; 对子女教育的期待包含家长对子女的学历期望、希望孩子将来成为怎样的人以及对孩子个性特点的期望;


60、Finally will be to Ruan's prospect and the future forecast. 最后是对阮的前景和未来的展望。


62、Wait for the future, looking forward to the future expectation of heart constantly increased. 等待未来,展望未来的期待的心绵绵不断地增多。

63、Surveys showed that until about a week ago, Egyptians had extraordinarily low expectations for the future, among the lowest in the world. 调查表明,直到一周前,埃及人对未来的期望都是出乎意料的低,属于全世界最低的之一。

64、I thought I would go abroad, but then Torino came, ^v^ said Sereni who is looking forward to the new Torino adventure.^v^ “我原以为我会去国外发展,但是都灵邀请了我”塞雷尼很憧憬他在都灵的未来。

65、Employees appreciate being ^v^in the know^v^ and will contribute to improvements and future success. 员工期望知晓决策的内情,有助于进步和未来的成功。

66、Often looking forward to your dream, I love no less. 每每憧憬对你的梦想,我的爱毫无逊色。

67、Hope there was too for the future, with improving education perhaps it would never get this bad again. 人们也开始对未来憧憬起来,把教育提上去,也许情况永远也不会这么糟了。

