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当我们有机会为人生中的收获喝彩时,想必大家有过收到祝福语的时候吧。祝福语是礼物的完美补充, 愿我们把快乐的心情分享给所有人。经过整理分类趣祝福的编辑收集了祝愿未来可期的句子简短汇总的相关内容,欢迎阅读,希望你能喜欢这些句子!


1、You must have a clear vision of your life. 你必须对你的人生有一个清晰憧憬。

2、She dreams that she can go abroad for advanced study one day. 她憧憬将来有一天能出国深造。

3、I will have realistic expectations for my children. 我对孩子的期望切乎实际。



6、Hyypiä eyes the European Cup before the 2005 final with AC Milan in Istanbul. xx年,伊斯坦布尔,海皮亚憧憬对阵米兰的欧冠决赛。

7、So I don't despair for the future though it may seem bleak at times. 因此我从不对未来绝望,虽然有时候未来看着也挺荒凉的。

8、Me was composed of stories, of cravings, of strivings, of desires of the future. 我由故事组成, 由渴望,奋斗组成, 由对未来的期望组成。



11、Live in the present, don't waste your life in the past or in the future. 活在当下,别在怀念过去或者憧憬未来中浪费掉你现在的生活。

12、Reporter: What do you expect in Hangzhou craft shoe industry? 您对杭州工艺鞋产业未来的发展有何期望?

13、Some people were starry-eyed about their investment plans. 一些人士不现实地憧憬他们的投资计划。wWW.zF133.CoM

14、For some time now, he had felt drawn in that direction, drawn to more than the fact that a tremendous prize, the rich, lush city of Lut Gholein, lay some distance within. 现在有些时候,他都憧憬着那个方向,憧憬着比现实来得更为丰富的巨大奖赏——富饶、繁盛的鲁。高因,就在遥远的彼方。

15、Fantasy and ideal vision but end the deadlock. 幻想与理想的憧憬只能无可奈何的搁浅.

16、Lady with the attachment to send it away, full of longing Jinniu usher. 带着依恋送走银鼠,满怀憧憬迎来金牛。

17、In the beginning after their graduation, they resolved to roost themselves in Jiangzhou metropolis and was expecting a promising future and a splendid blueprint in their mind. 毕业之初,两人立志扎根江州这个大都市,对未来充满憧憬,不断地在脑海里勾画着生活的宏伟蓝图。

18、For the coming new year, let us expect together. SNSD must be into the new world and creating a new future. 新的xx年里,对于未来的憧憬,我们翘首以盼,共同期待。

19、读音:péng chéng wàn lǐ

20、At the same time, gives an anticipation and expectation with the feeding industry's competition after China joined the WTO. 同时,也对我国加入WTO后,饲料业未来的竞争与前景作了预期与展望。


21、That's because the expectation of reward launches a future-oriented mindset, which subverts the entire process. 那是因为对回报的期望开启了一个以未来为导向的心态,这搅乱了整个过程。



24、Downhearted, you always put hope is ignited, when again I hope looking forward to the future, but you will once again choose to disappear; 心灰意冷时,你总会及时的把希望点燃,当我再次满怀希望憧憬未来,你却会再一次的选择消失;

25、读音:rú rì fāng shēng

26、For example ^v^Digital get down^v^ reflects how J. C feels about the internet frenzy and ^v^I'll be good for you^v^ is based on Justin's feeling about a would-be girl friend. 例如,《堕落》反映了查塞兹对疯狂上网的感觉,《我为你而高兴》则基于贾斯汀对未来女朋友的憧憬。

27、Futurity is the proper abode of hope and fear, with all their train and progeny of subordinate apprehensions and desires. (No. 8) 未来是希望和恐惧的适当宅所,陪伴它们的是从属于理解和期望的后代。


29、Thirdly, we brought forward the prospect of the waterborne heavy-duty coatings in the future. 最后,对于水性重防腐涂料未来的发展方向提出了展望。

30、Two titans of the British museum world, Sir Nicholas Serota and Neil MacGregor, last night sketched out their visions for the museum of the future. 昨晚,大英博物馆界的两个巨人,Sir Nicholas Serota和Neil MacGregor描绘了他们的对博物馆未来的憧憬。

31、A smile discreetly appears as memories past and thoughts of the future travel through my soul. 历历回忆,对未来的憧憬浸润我的灵魂,我悄然微笑。

32、Our little romatic friend formed visions of future for herself. 我们的小朋友一脑袋幻想,憧憬着美好的未来。

33、Together, we can look forward to a bright future, both in Chemicals and in Coatings. 齐心合力, 我们,不论是化学品部还是涂料部,都可以憧憬美好的未来。

34、读音:dà zhǎn hóng tú

35、Fields wished that the awards should recognize both existing mathematical work and also the promise of future achievement . 菲尔兹希望,这一奖项既是对现有数学成果的肯定,也是对未来数学成就的期许。

36、Other students on the SMU campus also had high hopes for the future. 南卫理公会大学的其他学生也对未来抱有很高的期望。

37、They have too high of expectation for the kids, when the kids can no … … 他们对孩子的期望值高,当孩子不能满足他们的期望时,他们会采取打孩子来发泄。



40、The audience expects even superior performance in future. 观众的期望,甚至性能优越,在未来的。


41、Ann has already given up on her future. 小安对她的未来已不抱希望。

42、I'm sitting here, wating for you. 我知道我还在憧憬你的来临。

43、The interpretation of matriarchy and patriarchy is pertinent to our interpretation of history and to the prospect of human future. 对母系制与父权制的解释,关系到我们对整个历史的解释以及对人类未来的期望。

44、Following the painting work from the students of old Yang Jia Zhen Primary School are shown, the colorful painting represents the longing and hope to the new ^v^Sunshine Primary School^v^. 下面是杨家镇小学的孩子们亲手制作的一幅幅“阳光小学”绘画作品,五彩缤纷的画作表达了孩子们心中对未来“阳光小学”的憧憬和希望。



47、We should learn from yesterday, cherish today and hope for tomorrow. 我们应该感悟过去,珍惜现在,憧憬未来。




51、Looking into the future, we are full of confidence. 展望未来,我们充满信心。对于水井钻井机。

52、Expectation or result tracing out of the OR expectations = greater than or equal to the largest sureness factor from the OR constituents. 追溯到 OR 期望的期望或结果 = 大于或等于来自 OR 成分的最大的确信因子。


54、This celebration is the first scale in an interval of a century to come where we shall rejoice, summarize, reflect and anticipate. xx年庆典,仅仅是乐团百年基业的第一个刻度,纪念,庆祝,总结,反思,正是 缘于对美好未来的更多憧憬和高远的展望。

55、We hear much of visions and I trust we shall continue to have visions and dream dreams of a fairer future for the race. 关于对未来的各种憧憬,我们听得多了。我相信我们会继续憧憬未来,为人类的前途编织更美好的梦。

56、Forward rates equal expected future spot rates. 即远期利率等于未来即期利率的期望值

57、Differences between spot and forward rates reflect expectations of future changes in foreign exchange rates. 现汇汇率和期汇汇率的差异反应了人们对于未来汇率变化的不同预期。

58、This is an attitude which has led me to forget our past misunderstandings and look to the future. 他们的态度使我遗忘我们曾经所发生的误解,让我憧憬未来。

59、Housing for the future delivery, for a small property owners is a expectant right for future property, such expectant rights gain exclusive effectiveness because of notice registration. 房屋的未来交付,对于小业主来说是一种未来物权的期待权,这种期待权因为预告登记而具有排他性的效力。


