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任何时候保持一个好心态,有时候“不屑一顾”鸡汤是很有作用的,毕竟负面话是最没有意义一件事情,只有正向励志的话才能让生活拥有更多的彩虹。在励志句子中,给大家印象最深的有哪些?趣祝福小编现在推荐你阅读一下励志语录英文句子短, 有需要的朋友就来看看吧!


1、thing seek, nothing find.

2、Well begun is half done

3、Never say die 永不气馁!

4、He who sees through life and death will meet with most success

5、A lazy youth, a lousy age少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。

6、Errors, like straws, upon the surface flow; He who would search for pearls must dive below.--John Dryden

7、It 's best to start like this, and when you start, you 'll have to maintain the discipline and rhythm of your practice.

8、Yoga 's immediate task is to find a bond between the mind and the body, between the individual and the gods, between ideas and sources, between teachers and students, and even between ourselves and our hard-to-reach neighbors.

9、learned to GIVE not because I have many. But because I know exactly how it feels to have NOTHING.

10、There's only one corner of the universe you can be sure of improving, and that's your own self. 这个宇宙中只有一个角落你肯定可以改进,那就是你自己。

11、thing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm. --Emerson


13、I want to be his favorite hello and his hardest goodbye.我要成为他最心动的相遇,最不舍的离别。

14、Towering genius disdains a beaten path. He seeks regions hitherto unexplored.--Abraham Lincoln

15、The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for circumstances they want, and if they cannot find them,they make them.(George Bernard Shaw, British dramatist )

16、Good wine needs no bush



18、I can make it through the rain. I can stand up once again on my own

19、You get what you pay off

20、Strong heart, often be defeated by a simple comfort, and then tears.

21、Yoga is the feeling of oneness between man and nature by letting your body reach a limit and letting your mind empty with a sense of pain

22、I’m on the top of the world.我是世界之王

23、The stupid speak of the past, the wise of the present, and fools of the future

24、Have an aim in life, or your energies will all be wasted. ( R. Peters )

25、我只是一朵向日葵,等待着属于我的唯一的阳光。 I'm just a sunflower ,waiting for my only sunshine。

26、Misfortunes never come alone/single(祸不单行。)

27、just need someone who will never abandon me.

28、wise woman likes but doesn't love, listens but doesn't believe and leaves before she is left.Marilyn Monroe

29、The greatest test of courage on earth is to bear defeat without losing heart. 世界上对勇气的最大考验是忍受失败而不丧失信心。

30、Sense comes with age 老马识途。

31、Victory won't come to me unless I go to it. ( M. Moore )

32、In a bad mood, close your eyes and tell yourself, this is illusion.

33、While there is life there is hope.

34、永远记住:你自己的取得成功的决心比什么都重要。 --林肯


35、Better master one than engage with ten.会十事,不如精一事。

36、Do not, for one repulse, forgo the purpose that you resolved to effort. ( Shakespeare )


38、You think you can, you can你认为你行,你就行。

39、Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any one thing. --Abraham Lincoln

40、Merry meet, merry part 好聚好散。

41、Practice tenses as much as possible. when you learn a new verb, learn its various forms.

42、In science the credit goes to the man who convinces the world, not to the man to whom the idea first occurs.--William Osler

43、我可以穿越云雨,也可以东山再起(Mariah Carey-through the rain)


45、Time waits for no one. Treasure every moment you have.

46、Make yourself a better person and know who you are before you try and know someone else and expect them to know you.

47、我们无法在这个世界上做什么伟大的事情,可我们可以带着伟大的爱做一些小事。 We cannot do great things on this Earth, only small things with great love.

48、Hang on to your dreams 追逐梦想。

49、All things come to those who wait.

50、Yogi means a person practicing the art or science that is with the universe. There are no other problems in my life; All other problems are branches.

51、14Work is the grand cure of all the maladies and miseries that ever beset mankind. ( Carlyle )

52、Rome was not built in a day



The sun is never the worse for shining on a dunghill.太阳不因照在粪堆上而黯淡。~~这些句子适合你吗?趣祝福现在向你推荐唯美励志英文语录精选,仅供参考,我们来看看吧!

1、The most beautiful is not the rainy day, but when it rains, can cover the wind for you.

2、Life is real, life is earnest.人生真实,人生诚挚。

3、It’s not easy to change friendship into love. But it’s even harder to turn love into friendship.让友情变成爱情不是件容易的事,而让爱情变成友情却更困难。

4、person's travel, in the way to meet the most true self.

5、If you are in full bloom, breeze, if the heart and smile enron.

6、really do not have much sad, but without you, I really do not happy.

7、The greatest things are done by the aid of small ones.最伟大的事情是在小事情的帮助下完成的。意即:一个篱笆三个桩,一个好汉三个帮。


9、被特别在乎的人忽略,会很难过,而更难过的是你还要装作你不在乎。 It's tough when someone special starts to ignore you, it's even tougher to pretend that you don't mind.

10、When I wake up every morning, the greatest joy is gazing upon you and sunshine, that is the future I desire.

11、To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.

12、Sometimes your plans don’t work out because God has better ones.有时候,你的计划不奏效,是因为上天有更好的安排。

13、Life is compared to a voyage.人生好比是一次航程。

14、In some way, whether it is destined to be a bustling and lonely man walking.

15、enrich your life today,. yesterday is rrow is mystery.充实今朝,昨日已成过去,明天充满神奇。

16、Our destiny offers not the cup of despair, but the chalice of let us seize it, not in fear, but in gladness. -- R.M. Nixon·命运给予我们的不是失望之酒,而是机会之杯。因此,让我们毫无畏惧,满心愉悦地把握命运 - 尼克松

17、Left of reach unfortunately, fall under our memories.

18、eat merely to put food out of my mind.我吃东西只是为了不再去想食物。

19、20、Byron: I am never away from you. Even now, I shall not leave you. In another land, I shall be still that one who loves you, loves you beyond measure beyond measure.

20、Because the wound was wanton exhibition, so have lost the pain.

21、The better to have loved and lost; Than never to have loved at all.宁肯爱过而又失去,也不要做一个从未爱过的人。

22、We are not the beginning of the pursuit of others, but every unknown tomorrow. 我们追逐的绝不是别人的起点,而是每一个未知的明天。

23、Life is a horse, and either you ride it or it rides you.人生像一匹马,你不驾驭它,它便驾驭你。

24、Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.

25、错过只在一瞬,思念却是一世。 He misses her, but he missed her.

26、Johan Wolfgang Goethe: Man errs so long as he strives.

27、You smile so bright, but I do not know how many tears I flow for you.

28、Dreaming in the memory is not as good as waiting for the paradise in the hell.在回忆里继续梦幻,不如在地狱里等待天堂。

29、Don’t let a little dispute break up a great friendship.

30、If your happiness depends on what somebody else does, I guess you do have a problem.如果你的快乐与否取决于别人做了什么,我想,你真的有点问题。

31、我只是一朵向日葵,等待着属于我的唯一的阳光。 I'm just a sunflower ,waiting for my only sunshine。

32、Joy is calm. And a long breath the same, silent soft.

33、Inadvertently found a number of stars, it is my guardian flowers!

34、If they throw stones at you, don’t throw back, use them to build your own foundation instead.如果别人朝你扔石头,就不要扔回去了,留着作你建高楼的基石。

35、Letting go doesn'tmean that you're a quitter. It doesn't mean that you lost. It just means thatyou realize in that moment that's it's time to let go and move on.

36、Life is like music. It must be composed by ear, feeling and instinct, not by rule.人生如一首乐曲,要用乐感、感情和直觉去谱写,不能只按乐律行事。

37、The better to have loved and lost; Than never to have loved at all.

38、Better to do something imperfectly than to do nothing flawlessly.宁愿做事不完美,总比完美地不做事要好。

39、Life is a leaf of paper white, there on each of us may write his word or two.生活就像一张白纸,每个人都可以在其上写上自己的一两句话。

40、Who should be who who who who who's who's who.

41、Showy life, forget the season, empty of memories, lingering upset.

42、love you more than I can say.爱你在心口难开。

43、learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. 借鉴昨天,活在今天,憧憬明天。


45、ignore those who try to discourage you .阴险与打击勿放心上。

46、Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.今天,给一个陌生人送上你的微笑吧。很可能,这是他一天中见到的唯一的阳光。

47、The only constant in the world is always changing.

48、One thing I know,that is I know nothing.(Socrates Greek) 我所知道的一件事就是我一无所知。(苏格拉底 古希腊)

49、Actually it is just in an idea when feel oneself can achieve and cannot achieve.

50、Some things, only when the memories. Some people, can only do a passenger.

51、as long as there is tomorrow, today is always the starting line. 只要还有明天,今天就永远是起跑线。

52、Life only comes around once. So make sure you're spending it the right way, with the right ones.


54、爱情就像沙漏,心满了,脑子就空了。 Love is like an hourglass, with the heart filling up as the brain empties.

55、Turn your photos, but dare not gaze. Only to find that breathing really hurts.

56、失去某人,最糟糕的莫过于,他近在身旁,却犹如远在天边。 the worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can't have them.


58、生命是一束纯净的火焰,我们依靠自己内心看不见的太阳而存在。 Life is apure flame, and we live by an invisible sun within us.

59、waved goodbye, for those who will never come back.

60、只因那时年少,总把未来想的太好。 Because when young, with a total want of good in the future.

61、Life isn't about waiting for the storm topass, it's about learning to dance in the rain.

62、如果我说我想一个人静一静,其实我比任何时候都需要你。 If I say leave me alone,actually I need you more than at any time.

63、当拥有已经是失去,就勇敢的放弃。 When it has is lost, brave to give up.

64、Again and again the fate of the fate of the ruthless outcome of the occurrence of time and again.

65、everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.并不是你面对了,任何事情都能改变。(励志歌曲 .)但是,如果你不肯面对,那什么也变不了。

66、just miss once, but forget that we have not had their own.

67、最糟糕的感觉并不是孤独,而是你难以忘怀的那个人,彻底把你忘记了。 The worst feeling isn't being lonely; it's knowing you'll never be remembered by the person you'll never forget.

68、The sun is never the worse for shining on a dunghill.太阳不因照在粪堆上而黯淡。



在前进的道路上总会有坎坷,我们可以把自己知道励志句子分享出去,励志的话,会有一种“魔力”,会让人感到满满的能量。也许这时候你正在写一些励志的话,那哪一句最好呢?在此,你不妨阅读一下励志语录简短句子英语, 欢迎分享给你的朋友!

1、like being a woman, even in a man's world. After all, men can't wear dresses, but we can wear the pants.

2、Everyone has potential energy, but it is easy to be covered by habit, lost by time, consumed by inertia. Yoga is a way to awaken our potential energy.


4、Practice tenses as much as possible. when you learn a new verb, learn its various forms.

5、The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for circumstances they want, and if they cannot find them,they make them.(George Bernard Shaw, British dramatist )

6、Yoga is the feeling of oneness between man and nature by letting your body reach a limit and letting your mind empty with a sense of pain

7、Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.

8、All great truths are obvious truths. But no all obvcious truths are great truths. —— A. Huxley

9、learned to GIVE not because I have many. But because I know exactly how it feels to have NOTHING.


11、Believe in yourself.相信你自己!

12、生活不是等待暴风雨过去,而是要学会在雨中跳舞。 Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain。

13、Do not, for one repulse, forgo the purpose that you resolved to effort. ( Shakespeare )

14、thing is difficult to the man who will try. 世上无难事,只要肯登攀。

15、friend is not the first person to come or the oldest person to know, but the person who has never left since he came.


17、爱并不复杂,复杂的是人。 Love isn’t complicated, people are.


19、Sharp tools make good work工欲善其事,必先利其器。

20、You have to believe in yourself. That‘s the secret of success. 人必须有自信,这是成功的秘密。

21、Walls have ears 隔墙有耳。

22、Errors, like straws, upon the surface flow; He who would search for pearls must dive below.--John Dryden

23、We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope. ( Martin Luther King, Jr.)

24、The failures and reverses which await men - and one after another sadden the brow of youth - add a dignity to the prospect of human life, which no Arcadian success would do. -- Henry David Thoreau

25、Towering genius disdains a beaten path. He seeks regions hitherto unexplored.--Abraham Lincoln

26、The only thing we have to fear is fear itself. --Franklin Roosevelt

27、Man proposes,God deposes

28、like being a woman, even in a man's world. After all, men can't wear dresses, but we can wear the pants. Whitney Houston

29、Use a dictionary and grammar guide constantly. keep a small english dictionary with you at all time. when you see a new word, look it up. think about the word——use it, in your mind, in a sentence.

30、Sense comes with age 老马识途。

31、The stupid speak of the past, the wise of the present, and fools of the future

32、我们无法在这个世界上做什么伟大的事情,可我们可以带着伟大的爱做一些小事。 We cannot do great things on this Earth, only small things with great love.


34、let’s cross the bridge when we come to it. 船到桥头自然直。

35、An aim in life is the only fortune worth finding. 生活的目标,是唯一值得寻找的财富。

36、I can make it through the rain. I can stand up once again on my own.

37、just need someone who will never abandon me.


39、I am a slow walker,but I never walk backwards. ( America)

40、我们唯一不得不害怕的就是害怕本身。 -- 富兰克林?罗斯福

41、Dream is what makes you happy, even when you are just trying.

42、In science the credit goes to the man who convinces the world, not to the man to whom the idea first occurs.--William Osler

43、What we women need to do, instead of worrying about what we don't have, is just love what we do have.

44、Life is like the palm, although the winding, but never in our own hands..

45、Great minds think alike (英雄所见略同。)

46、I’m on the top of the world.我是世界之王

47、thing is impossible to a willing heart

48、My view of yoga is to return to its most real appearance, and my final goal is to make you feel full of sleep, which is the essence of yoga

49、yogi can always stay awake, he will sleep, but he will never dream, his dream has completely disappeared. When dreams disappear, thoughts disappear.

50、Don 't give up when you think you can fight for it. Waiting is sad, but regret is even more sad.

51、Rome was not built in a day

52、love waking up in the morning and not knowing what's going to happen, or who I'm going to meet, where I'm going to wind up.

53、The strong pass of the enemy is like a wall of iron,yet with firm strides we are conquring its summit

54、Business makes a man as well as tries him.事业可以考验人,也可以造就人。

55、While there is life there is hope.


57、永远记住:你自己的取得成功的决心比什么都重要。 --林肯


要想帮助别人从低谷中走出来,有时候我们会在朋友圈传达一些励志的语录,励志的句子可以帮助正在迷茫的人。你知道的励志正能量句子有哪些?下面是编辑精心收集整理,为你带来的励志英文简短句子, 欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。


1、pain, no gain.没有付出就没有获得。

2、In doing we learn.实践长才干。


4、忍耐是痛苦的,但它的果实是甜蜜的。 (法国思想家 卢梭。 J. J.)

5、Let the end leave no regrets, let the process more perfect.

6、命运给予我们的不是失望之酒,而是机会之杯。(美国总统 尼克松 . R.)

7、washing time mean ending life.

8、An honest man will receive neither money nor praise,that is not his due.

9、Treat every dream of life, confidence to oneself, to know that you have the ability to achieve it.

10、The harvest is the cause of the rain gauge; gather every drop of sweat on the struggle.

11、If we have accepted the worst, there is no loss.

12、Losers are always in the wrong

13、My journey is long and winding, I will keep on exploring my way far and wide

14、I will greet this day with love in my heart

15、Even god cannot change the past.

16、A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams.

17、When the sky is dark to a certain extent, the stars will shine.

18、It never rains but it pours

19、Where there is life,there is hope.


20、You think you can, you can.你认为你行,你就行。

21、You said you didn't want to have a day to let me know, you are so good to him.

22、Outstanding people is one major advantage: in the negative and hard never yield in spite of reverses suffered.

23、Wisdom from time to time to correct the deviation, to be convenient to people everywhere.

24、To cheer, to the next level.

25、Those who have ambition have their own ways, but those who have no ambition only feel that it is difficult.

26、The highest possible stage in moral culture is when we recognize that we ought to control thoughts.--Charles Darwin

27、Gods determine what you‘re going to be -- Julius Erving

28、Perhaps, a turn, it is always stainless parting graduates.

29、All things come to those who wait

30、The youth should be early to, how long the young.

31、Pride hurts,modesty benefits

32、If you want to imitate me now, of course, will suffer, because I have been doing yoga for more than half a century.

33、Many hands make light work

34、think setbacks, suffering is a good opportunity to exercise will, enhance the ability.

35、Difficult to contain the victory, the success of failure in breeding.

36、bold attempt is half success.勇敢的尝试是成功的一半。

37、30.Difficult circumstances serve as a textbook of life for people.









6、如果你很苦 我想分一半承受 ,但是你沉默 这教我怎么做

7、给男神告白了, 他拒绝了, 很委婉的说, 抱歉我是女的。

8、处理好周围的事 不慌不急 你慢慢来 我在途中 等待与你相遇。





13、虽然、我没有英俊的脸 。 却有潇洒的命 。





18、不知道从多久开始、 连自己都觉得自己多余。


20、◆◇╮ 那些回忆,那些我们在一起的记忆,随着歌声慢慢浮现在眼前



23、" 有时谎言可以救人ヽ聪明的情人知道什么时候说谎 .ら


24、小朋友迷路了吗 ? 乖 我在这呢






30、這 是 妳 想 要 的 結 局 、 我 不 想 給 、




34、The most painful goodbyes are the ones never said, but the heart already knows it李白千年之狐《王者荣耀》





39、:⊕ 我、似乎 感覺 補 到 呐份寂寞,因爲祢在我身邊。甯願胖得精致,也不願瘦得雷同。



42、很奇怪吧 只有在冬天才能找到温暖



45、我走了,请你别这样说我 我会颠的






50、What you are you do not see, what you see is your shadow。



53、The best way to get over someone,is to get under someone else。




57、、诠 释 不 出 的 情 感 。 叫 寂寞。






63、哪有什么与生俱来的天长地久 只不过是一方懂得包容 一方懂得感恩罢了







Knowledge is power.知识就是力量。~~很多人喜欢读一些有趣的句子,经过趣祝福精心整理,推出英文励志短句简短(精选51句),建议你收藏本页和本站,以便后续阅读!


1、body's enemy but his own.

2、Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

3、want you to be happy. But I want to be the reason.

4、Bitter pills may have wholesome effects 良药苦口利于病。

5、If a man wants you, nothing can keep him away. If he doesn't, nothing can make him stay.

6、You may not consciously return to the way you used to spoil your lifestyle.

7、Since ready to one's deceased father grind, learn to give up, give to you.

8、Long absent, soon forgotten.

9、am ordinary yet unique.

10、enrich your life today,. yesterday is history.tomorrow is mystery.

11、One today is worth two tomorrows.一个今天胜似两个明天。

12、Even if you are not happy, also never to disturb the happiness of others, this is the principle.

13、Time flies.时光易逝。

14、That there's some good in this world, and it's worth fighting for.

15、Let the right one in. Let the old dreams die. Let the wrong ones go。

16、Reason is the guide and light of life.

17、While there is one untrodden tractFor intellect or men are free to think and act,Life is worth living. ( A. Austin )


18、If the whole world betrays you, I’m gonna betray the whole world for you.

19、Women are never stronger than when they arm themselves with their weakness.

20、Rome wasn’t built in a day. work harder and practice more. your hardworking will be rewarded by god one day. god is equal to everyone!

21、All time is no time when it is past.光阴一去不复返。

22、Disappear a memory. And leaving is unforgettable memories。

23、Think of had to meet, like very dizzy, when the mind change, such as.想起当初相见,似天旋地转,当意念改变,如过往云烟。

24、There's only one corner of the universe you can be sure of improving, and that's your own self. 这个宇宙中只有一个角落你肯定可以改进,那就是你自己。

25、Procrastination is the thief of time.因循拖延是时间的大敌;拖延就是浪费时间。

26、body really cares if you’re miserable, so you might as well be happy。

27、Virtue is a jewel of great price.

28、Woman must have her freedom, the fundamental freedom of choosing whether or not she will be a mother and how many children she will have. Regardless of what man's attitude may be, that problem is hers — and before it can be his, it is hers alone.

29、心累,就是常常徘徊在坚持和放弃之间,举棋不定。烦恼,就是记性太好,该记的,不该记的都会留在记忆里。 Tired heart is always hovering between adhering to and giving up, indecisive. Trouble is that memory is good, the mind should not mind will stay in memory。

30、What is any ocean but a multitude of drops?

31、In life divided into two episodes, the first is "hesitance-free", while the second is "regret-free".

32、The best friend, teasing each other at ordinary times, is the mouth of the most malicious, when you need, is the softest heart.

33、Only they who fulfill their duties in everyday matters will fulfill them on great occasions. 只有在日常生活中尽责的人才会在重大时刻尽责。

34、like being a woman, even in a man's world. After all, men can't wear dresses, but we can wear the pants.


35、抱最好的希望,作最坏的准备 。

36、What we women need to do, instead of worrying about what we don't have, is just love what we do have. Cameron Diaz

37、Failure is the mother of success. 失败乃成功之母。

38、There are two powers in the world; one is the sword and the other is the pen. There is a great competition and rivalry between the two. There is a third power stronger than both, that of the women.

39、The fox may grow grey, but never good.

40、Yoga: forward bend makes people humble, backward bend makes people open, reverse makes people pure, support makes people strong, upside down makes people brave, heart all problems can be changed through body exercises.


42、I’m on the top of the world.我是世界之王

43、I am a slow walker,but I never walk backwards. ( America)

44、As long as we're happy, that's all that matters。

45、Work today, for you know not how much you may be hindered tomorrow.今朝有事今朝做,明朝可能阻碍多。

46、Woman must have her freedom, the fundamental freedom of choosing whether or not she will be a mother and how many children she will have. Regardless of what man's attitude may be, that problem is hers and before it can be his, it is hers alone.Margaret Sanger

47、Ironically, we pretend to be psychologists in front of friends, but we can 't even solve our problems.

48、Lookers-on see most of the game.

49、Fear not that the life shall come to an end, but rather fear that it shall never have a beginning. 不要害怕你的生活将要结束,应该担心你的生活永远不会真正开始。

50、Knowledge is power.知识就是力量。
















12、你好 我大名大美女 小名小公主 乳名宝宝 人称国民小甜心


14、︶ ̄ˉ ゝ 珴想代替你疼 这样你就会幸福

15、“我终于追到他了" "然后呢,你们幸福吗” “他总是高高在上,像皇帝一样”

16、如果我有罪 法律会制裁我 而不是让一对情侣 在女生宿舍门口模仿啄木鸟和树。

