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【#文案# #平安夜简短朋友圈祝福文案(精选41条)#】趣祝福推荐更多专题:“平安夜祝福文案”。

“Wish all the best wishes for you。”当下生活节奏越来越快,大家经常能在各个地方看到句子的存在,句子就是把长篇大论浓缩为简洁的语言,究竟有哪些经典的句子呢?趣祝福编辑特别整理来自网络的平安夜简短朋友圈祝福文案, 欢迎品鉴!










9、Best of luck in the year to e。

10、平安夜带给你平安和舒心,圣诞老人带给你幸运和祝福,圣诞钟声带给你人梦想和活力,圣诞大餐带给你健康和舒心,圣诞树带给你成就和财气。祝圣诞欢乐! Christmas Eve bring you peace and fort, Santa Claus brings you luck and blessings of Christmas bell to bring you an ideal and vitality, the feast of Christmas bring you health and fort, the Christmas tree bring you success and wealth。 Merry Christmas!

11、时差让我们隔离,空间让我们看不到彼此的微笑,但简了的些许文字,是我对你祝福的化身,让异乡行走的你不那么孤单,因为有我,一向都存在,平安夜欢乐! the time difference makes us isolate, the space lets us not see each others smile, but the simplified text is the embodiment of my blessing to you, let the foreign place walk you not so lonely, because has me, always exists, Christmas Eve is joyful。


13、平安夜,愿你:平复一下失意的恼火,平息一下磨难的怒火;安抚一下平安夜的焰火,安享一下平安夜的乐火;祝你平安夜欢乐上火,挑燃顺利雄火,从此红红火火!Christmas Eve, I hope you: calm down the annoyance of frustration, calm down the anger of the tribulations, fort the fireworks on Christmas Eve, and enjoy the happy fire on Christmas Eve。 I wish you a happy night on Christmas Eve and a good fire。


15、雪橇拉着欢乐来敲门,驯鹿捎来吉祥笑吟吟,颂歌传出暖流一阵阵,共度此夜的朋友是世界上最幸福的人,祝愿你平安托起幸福日月,健康携手恩爱春秋。。 Sleigh Reindeer happy to knock on the door, a lucky smiling, Carol came a burst of warm, spend the night friend is the happiest person in the world, I wish you happiness and health to hold peace, love and。

16、Christmas greeting to cheer you, my good friend。





21、平安夜到,送福天使到。平安夜收到此条信息的亲,明天圣诞节能够收获幸福平安。转发此条信息的亲,来年一年平安健康。健康是船,平安是桨,开船划桨我们能够顺利渡过生命长河。。 safe night, send the blessing angel。 If you receive this message on Christmas Eve, you can harvest happiness and peace tomorrow Christmas。 The parent that sends this message is safe and healthy for the next year。 Health is a ship, peace is a paddle。


22、雪花的身影曼妙轻盈,铃铛的响声悦耳叮咚。雪橇要酝酿一个朦胧的梦,亲爱的你,醉了这一刻的笑容,绯红的是爱,含羞的是甜,柔柔靠在我的肩,把彼此的心跳倾听,星儿在说只愿你平安。平安夜,我的爱人,我们坐在欢乐之巅。。 snow figure graceful light, the sound of the bell sweet buzz。 The sled to brew a hazy dream, dear you, drunk this moment to smile, crimson love is sweet, shy, gentle on my shoulder, put the heartbeat to star in I wish you peace。 Peace night, my love, we sit on the top of happiness。


24、平安日子道祝福,平安夜里道平安。平平安安到永远,安安平平梦也长。送个苹果保佑你,愿你一生都平安。圣诞日平安夜,祝福串串飘过来! the peace day blessing, safe night safe。 The peace of peace is forever, and the peace of an peace is long。 Send an apple to bless you, and wish you all the peace of your life。 Christmas Eve, bless the string e over!

25、Wishing you a beautiful holiday season。节日愉快。




29、at this happy moment.i miss you very much.

30、雪花,满载着温柔,渲染平安的颜色;苹果,满载着甜蜜,品尝平安的味道;烟花,满载着幸福,装饰平安的美妙;祝福,满载着情谊,歌唱平安的声调;平安夜,祝你平安到老!~ snowflakes, full of tender and harmonious colors, apple is full of sweetness and taste of safety; fireworks, full of happiness, decoration, safety, blessings, full of friendship and singing of peaceful tones。


32、将好事装进平安的衣袋里,将顺利装进平安的公文包里,将幸福装进平安的夜景里,将甜蜜装进平安的气氛里;漫步平安夜,祝你好事伴你,顺利随你,幸福跟你,甜蜜爱你! put good things into a safe pocket, will be successfully packed into a safe briefcase, will be happy into the safe night scene, will be sweet into a safe atmosphere; walking on Christmas Eve, I wish you good luck with you, happy with you, happiness and you, sweet love you!

33、雪花飘飘,欢乐摇摇,欢乐时刻吉祥来到;烟花闪闪,星光灿烂,完美人生精彩无限;信息条条,祝福万千,愿你好运健康平安。平安夜,幸福在心间,祝福在指尖,幸运常相伴,温暖信息传! the snowflakes are floating, joyfully shaking, the happy time is ing auspiciousness, the fireworks are shining, the stars are brilliant, and the wonderful life is wonderful。 Peace night, happiness in the heart, blessing in the fingertips, lucky often acpany, warm SMS message!

34、Wishing you and yours a merry Christmas this holiday

35、Wish all the best wishes for you。

36、偷偷告诉你:今夜,平平会帮你把忙碌变成悠闲;今夜,安安会帮你把梦想早日实现;今夜,平平会帮你丢掉一切烦恼,今夜,安安会让你露出灿烂微笑;今夜,平平安安会和你在一齐,共同把幸福完美追忆,平安夜欢乐。secretly tell you: tonight, so will help you to bee a busy leisure; tonight, Ann will help make your dream e true; tonight, so will help you get rid of all the troubles, tonight, Ann will give you a bright smile; tonight, peace will be with you, together with the happy memories, happy Christmas eve。




40、雪花还没飘下,烟花尚未璀璨,圣诞老人还没睡醒,小鹿驾车还未出发,袜子还没挂上窗前,大家的祝福还没有漫天弥漫。而我提前出发,祝你平安夜平安,圣诞节欢乐,浪漫无边。 the snowflake has not yet floated, and the fireworks are not yet bright。 Santa Claus has not waken up yet。 The fawn has not started driving yet, and the socks have not hung on the window yet。 And I set out ahead of time, I wish you peace on Christmas Eve, Christmas happy, romantic boundless。

41、mountains and rivers cannot separate us.maerry christmas.
