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1、fang yu could be a beacon multicolored lights, moving drag you happy heart lake ripples; knock一声acoustic festival wanzhong, let me love in your heart jidong! dynamism happy!


2、the lantern festival bless you, gave you to be a lantern festival! gugu, sweet, and for your feelings niannian!


3、the full moon, guanding, i am waiting for you! lanterns on, i think you! full moon, glutinous rice balls, geopolitical dream round!


4、flowers, and people gathered round qi. valentine‘s, the festive season with the wing lok, lover, i love you.


5、and a beautiful moon, and a chinese lantern festival, a period of happiness and time once again sincere congratulations, i wish you: troupe round! sweet sweet honey! the smooth!


6、miannen appearance of a round white, sentimental heart tianrumi implicitly, body skin liang rui hongyan green, the gentle-sweetest i 1,559, 15 light night kiss you eat you.


7、in this day of the season such as lights, we were the same evening, tonight i want you to become the most happy people infants.


8、at this moment, i have the deepest yearning to cloud qiaoqu full blessing embellishment you sweet dreams, you would like to have a happy feast.


9、acoustic percussion rounds of boiling一声scenes pyrotechnics and a beacon lantern on february fishes lu:lu: breeze chuojin you xinwo, strings hoping to wish you: happy lantern festival!


10、the day of the first month shiwuru infants round, sweet blessings of beier ah, you would like to win pretty xx xx ah, good luck often repeatedly ah, the lantern festival happy!





1, fang yu could be a beacon multicolored lights, moving drag you happy heart lake r

ipples; knock一声acoustic festival wanzhong, let me love in your heart jidong! dynamism happy!


2, the lantern festival bless you, gave you to be a lantern festival! gugu, sweet, and for your feelings niannian!


3, the full moon, guanding, i am waiting for you! lanterns on, i think you! full moon, glutinous rice balls, geopolitical dream round!


4, flowers, and people gathered round qi. valentine‘s, the festive season with the wing lok, lover, i love you.


5, and a beautiful moon, and a chinese lantern festival, a period of happiness and time once again sincere congratulations, i wish you: troupe round! sweet sweet honey! the smooth!


6, miannen appearance of a round white, sentimental heart tianrumi implicitly, body skin liang rui hongyan green, the gentle-sweetest i 1,559, 15 light night kiss you eat you.


7, in this day of the season such as lights, we were the same evening, tonight i want you to become the most happy people infants.


8, at this moment, i have the deepest yearning to cloud qiaoqu full blessing embellishment you sweet dreams, you would like to have a happy feast.


9, acoustic percussion rounds of boiling一声scenes pyrotechnics and a beacon lantern on february fishes lu:lu: breeze chuojin you xinwo, strings hoping to wish you: happy lantern festival!


10, the day of the first month shiwuru infants round, sweet blessings of beier ah, you would like to win pretty xx xx ah, good luck often repeatedly ah, the lantern festival happy!




1, fang yu could be a beacon multicolored lights, moving drag you happy heart lakeripples; knock一声acoustic festival wanzhong, let me love in your heart jidong! dynamism happy!


2, the lantern festival bless you, gave you to be a lantern festival! gugu, sweet, and for your feelings niannian!


3, the full moon, guanding, i am waiting for you! lanterns on, i think you! full moon, glutinous rice balls, geopolitical dream round!


4, flowers, and people gathered round qi. valentine‘s, the festive season with the wing lok, lover, i love you.


5, and a beautiful moon, and a chinese lantern festival, a period of happiness and time once again sincere congratulations, i wish you: troupe round! sweet sweet honey! the smooth!


6, miannen appearance of a round white, sentimental heart tianrumi implicitly, body skin liang rui hongyan green, the gentle-sweetest i 1,559, 15 light night kiss you eat you.


7, in this day of the season such as lights, we were the same evening, tonight i want you to become the most happy people infants.


8, at this moment, i have the deepest yearning to cloud qiaoqu full blessing embellishment you sweet dreams, you would like to have a happy feast.


9, acoustic percussion rounds of boiling一声scenes pyrotechnics and a beacon lantern on february fishes lu:lu: breeze chuojin you xinwo, strings hoping to wish you: happy lantern festival!


10, the day of the first month shiwuru infants round, sweet blessings of beier ah, you would like to win pretty xx xx ah, good luck ooften repeatedly ah, the lantern festival happy!



1, fang yu could be a beacon multicolored lights, moving drag you happy heart lakeripples; knock一声acoustic festival wanzhong, let me love in your heart jidong! dynamism happy!


2, the lantern festival bless you, gave you to be a lantern festival! gugu, sweet, and for your feelings niannian!


3, the full moon, guanding, i am waiting for you! lanterns on, i think you! full moon, glutinous rice balls, geopolitical dream round!


4, flowers, and people gathered round qi. valentine‘s, the festive season with the wing lok, lover, i love you.


5, and a beautiful moon, and a chinese lantern festival, a period of happiness and time once again sincere congratulations, i wish you: troupe round! sweet sweet honey! the smooth!


6, miannen appearance of a round white, sentimental heart tianrumi implicitly, body skin liang rui hongyan green, the gentle-sweetest i 1,559, 15 light night kiss you eat you.


7, in this day of the season such as lights, we were the same evening, tonight i want you to become the most happy people infants.




1、Fang Yu could be a beacon multicolored lights, moving drag you happy heart Lake ripples; knock一声acoustic festival e the most happy people infants.
8、At this moment, I have the deepest yearning to cloud Qiaoqu full blessing embellishment you sweet dreams, you would like to have a happy Feast.
9、Acoustic percussion rounds of boiling一声scenes pyrotechnics and a beacon lantern on February fishes Lu:lu: breeze Chuojin you Xinwo, strings hoping to wish you: Happy Lantern Festival!
10、The day of the first month Shiwuru infants round, sweet blessings of Beier ah, you would like to win pretty 2001 2001 ah, good luck often repeatedly ah, the Lantern Festival happy!



1. 新娘一定美美的,新郎一定酷酷的,烟糖一定倾洒的,香槟啤酒一定纷飞的,礼炮玫瑰一定绽放的,宴席一定让我满面红光的,美好幸福安康一定永远!

2. 婚礼虽只一时,相爱是一辈子;洞房春意常在,围城风景长存;慢慢变老的,是彼此的容颜;永远不减的,是相互的真情。

3. 愿你们的人生,像《诗篇》般地优美,像《箴言书》般地智慧,像《传道书》般地虔诚,像《雅歌书》般地和睦!

4. 愿爱洋溢在你甜蜜的生活中,让以后的每一个日子,都像今日这般辉煌喜悦!

5. 辛劳了半辈子,贡献了几十年,在这春暧花开的日子,恭贺您再婚之喜,正所谓夕无限好,萱草晚来香!

6. 老公是大树,老婆要抱牢。老婆是小草,老公要爱护。大树下乘凉,草地上散步。今日是你结婚大喜的日子,祝:夫妻相爱幸福长久,生活甜蜜!

7. 一纸老虎,一米老鼠点花烛,一起住;一个成了小丈夫,一个未来当老母;噜噜噜,真幸福祝小两口结婚快乐乎!

8. 婚姻是爱情的坟墓,不过别难过,每个人最终都会走进坟墓,放心去吧,阿门!

9. 恭喜你找到共度一生的灵魂伴侣,婚姻是人生大事,相信你做出的会是最明智的决定,有了爱的结晶生了可爱的宝宝,别忘了请我吃油饭喔!

10. 恭喜恭喜哇,男的最后想通了,女的也终于看开了。

11. 憧憬着,漫漫无边的婚姻长路,计算好,不停涨价的油盐酱醋。


12. 愿你们的家庭,成为教会复兴的一大力量;也成为社会国家的一大贡献!

13. 恭贺恭祝加恭喜,热情奔放的年纪,热情如火的夏季,热到爆炸的婚礼;真心礼包全送你,恩恩爱爱甜如蜜,携手到老有默契,明年孩儿生家里。

14. 用真诚握住丘比特的箭,用一生的誓言把对方的手牵,锦衣华袍走上红地毯,从今以后幸福把你们留恋,请接受我由衷的祝愿:祝你们喜结连理,幸福比蜜甜!

15. 没有想到你们这么快就结婚了,应该是注定的吧,要生活一辈子的人了,不要发小脾气。圆圆满满的过一辈子,记得有我的祝福哦!

16. 手牵手,走进婚姻的殿堂,走向美好的生活;肩并肩,为了未来共同奋斗,日子越过越红火;祝福结婚的新人,生活美满,事业有成。

17. 结婚的历史意义在于:连接你们的那条红线(千里姻缘一线牵)从此会变成一条绳索。朋友,祝你生活欢喜喜爱情甜蜜蜜婚姻喜洋洋!

18. 结婚了,送个花篮:有玫瑰,成双成对;有玉兰,万事不难;有茉莉,事事如意;有秋菊,年年有余;有火鹤,红红火火;有牡丹,一生平安。

19. 结婚典礼不送礼,发条短信祝福你,健康快乐常伴你,好运和你不分离,财神已经跟随你,财源滚滚进袋里,好处全都送给你,喜结连理在今夕!

20. 听说你要结婚了,我来捧场道个喜!抓紧时间生个娃,一家三口多甜蜜!婚后生活琐事多,柴米油盐酱醋茶。虽说经营较辛苦,这是美满幸福家!

21. 听说你要结婚了,与一个叫幸福的人共结连理,嫁妆是如意,聘礼是健康,伴娘是好运,还听说你未来的宝宝叫快乐。愿你美满一生哦!

22. 放婚假,喝喜酒,入洞房,人生三大喜,亲爱的朋友,在你新婚的日子,让我诚挚地祝你新婚快乐!

23. 自古道:男大当婚,女大当嫁。诚所谓窈窕淑女,君子好逑。愿你俩情比海深!海枯石烂同心永结,地阔天高比翼齐飞。

24. 一个是水,一个是乳,今后你们水乳交融;一个有福,一个有禄,今后你们鸳鸯福禄;爱海无际,情天万里,祝你们爱河永浴。

25. 结婚了,送个花篮:有玫瑰,成双成对;有玉兰,万事不难;有茉莉,事事如意;有秋菊,年年有余;有火鹤,红红火火;有牡丹,一生平安。

26. 花瓣飞,彩蝶追,欢腾的喜庆在飘摇;蓝天蓝,白云白,千紫万红梦相随;燕呢喃,海欧鸣,一对新人永安康;春光照,柔风美,千里幽香绕周围。

27. 新婚快乐,早生贵子!祝你们永结同心,百年好合!新婚愉快,甜甜蜜蜜!夫妻恩恩爱爱到永远!

28. 愿你俩用爱去绾着对方,彼此互相体谅和关怀,共同分享今后的苦与乐。敬祝百年好合永结同心!

29. 托清风捎去衷心的祝福,让流云奉上真挚的情意;

30. 新婚快乐,早生贵子。

31. 在你们喜结良缘的日子,祝你新婚快乐!让好运与福气结交,让财源与吉祥结伴,让美梦与健康结对,让问候与祝福结缘。祝福一对新人真心相爱,美满幸福,相约永久!

32. 幸福,是洁白的婚纱的在风中跳舞;幸福,是灿烂的笑容在脸上驻足;幸福,是执子之手与子偕老的道路;幸福,是今天一起迈向甜蜜的脚步。祝福百年好合,永结同心!

33. May you have a long and loving lifetogether

34. 愿你们长久热爱生活在一起。

35. ime of loveand happiness

46. 最美好的祝愿,祝你们终生爱情和幸福。

47. 没有想到你们这么快就结婚了,应该是注定的吧,要生活一辈子的人了,不要发小脾气。圆圆满满的过一辈子,记住我对你们的祝福哦!

48. 我擦了擦阿拉丁的神灯,灯神出来了,于是我对灯神说:请让我哥和我嫂永世恩恩爱爱,永浴爱河!白头偕老!

49. 所谓幸福是有一颗感恩的心,一个健康的身体,一份称心的工作,一位深爱你的人,一帮信赖的朋友,祝福我们的新人婚姻幸福,白头偕老!

50. 红红的喜字,浪漫的氛围,欢乐的笑脸,吉祥的新人。亲爱的朋友,在这个值得回味的日子里,我把最真诚的祝福为你送上,愿你的明天,幸福快乐。

51. 有一种爱叫挂念,有一种情叫久远,有一种真心叫常在,有一种思念叫情怀,缘份是天定,长久是人为,默默的像流星许个愿;祝你们永结同心,白头偕老。

52. 愿快乐的歌声永远伴你们同行,愿你们婚后的生活洋溢着喜悦与欢快,永浴于无穷的快乐年华。谨祝新婚快乐!

53. 人生三大喜,亲爱的朋友,在你新婚的日子,让我诚挚地祝你新婚快乐!

54. 以爱情的名义祝福你们,愿爱情之花在你们心里永开不败。以岁月的名义祝福你们,愿岁月老去永不改变的情怀。新婚快乐!

55. 分明是千年前的一段缘;无数个偶然堆积而成的必然,怎能不是三生石上精心镌刻的结果呢?用真心呵护这份缘吧,祝福你们,永结同心,真爱永远。

56. 新娘新郎新家庭,人新事新样样新,互敬互爱心连心,心心相印心贴心,互让互勉常谈心,信心决心永远新。

57. 在这春暧花开,群芳吐艳的日子里,你俩永结同好,正所谓天生一对,地生一双!祝愿你俩恩恩爱爱,白头偕老!
